Amp recommendation required!


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Hi all - my old NAD amp has died horribly: I'm looking at least a couple of hundred quid to get it repaired, so it's time to get a new one.

I've got an old-ish Marantz CD-67SE CD player and a pair of Mordaunt Short Avant 902i speakers. My vinyl - mostly dance stuff - gets played on Technics 1210s, via a Numark M1 mixer. The CD collection covers every concievable kind of rock and pop, and a bit of jazz.

Looking around the 200 - 300 quid mark: candidates are Cambridge Audio Azur 340A SE; Marantz PM6003; NAD C326BEE; Rotel RA-04, but I'm open to suggestions...

Any thoughts? I'm keen to hear what people think...

I'm in the same sort of budget range and boat as you and I've been looking at the pm6003 and ra-04se at that price range. Let me know how you go and what the results are because I've dac upgrades to consider too but an amp is priority. its so hard to choose at this price range as a novice such as myself.
i tested both the C326 and RA04-SE with B&W 685s and they both sounded great. i preferred the sound of the NAD so i bought that. i tested those over the pm6003 due to its lack of power to drive the speakers. i think either would fit into a hi fi nicely!


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