allflac download site

I wouldn't say so. I buy from them for few years now. This american site would of been shut down by now if it was doggy.

Very good site by the way. You will need medivel cue spliter to split tracks as most of the music is in lossless cd image form,

therefore the whole cd is one track. I remember I got 15% off for adding $50 to the fund once.
Hi, read the posts on this forum and I think I will steer clear personally.

Might be ok but not going to chance it myself.

Even if not a risk to your credit card it sounds very up and down performance-wise with the site going down sometimes and as there have apparently been lots of domain registration changes I assume it is illegal in terms of music rights legislation unless they are operating under an exemption in Ukraine.

Copy of post from

Looks like this site is hosted in the UK (at least this week), but the owner may be in the Ukraine according to #6 under the terms of service:

#6 - When using this site all legal relationships, between the parties of this agreement and other persons, are regulated by this agreement and corresponding rules of current legislation in Ukraine.

I would steer very clear of this site. My opinion is that this site is in the credit card skimming information market. They are either steeling credit card information and illegally selling copyrighted music or any combination of the two.

Domaintools shows that this website has changed its whois information 709 times since 2008...very suspect. I would not be surprised if the whois information changes weekly if not more often.
If this website is registered in Uk and it is illigal, Why it is not closed. How they get away with it? Also I could not find It on any black lists.

Also there is conflicting information on WOT Reputation Scorecard site, Where it states server location - USA.

Who is right then? I am very confused, angry and disillusioned with all these domin check sites. How can we be sure that they are correct?

It gives domin's adress even post code and it is on goggle search very top ( most expensive place ). If it is illigal it should not be there and the guy in stanmore should be arrested.
Hmmm, Had a go, tried it with a (personally) low risk payment card; it worked, simple enough (even the 'splitting' via Medieval) and music sounds good. 'Search' doesn't work and can't seem to get beyond page 1 where there are multiple pages.

It doesn't look legit though!

Can anyone enlighten me as to why there are no decent download sites in the UK offering CD quality (FLAC) stuff; aside from the very narrow Linn-type efforts? My 2TB NAS drive is only half full and continues to feel hungry.
If you're an audiophile on a budget and looking for some hard to find flac files, look no further! I've ordered from them a couple of times without a single issue, I'm from the USA. The prices threw me off at first, but don't let that stop you, quality is top notch! forget about the limited selection and higher prices of other sites like etc....
Dan Worth said:
If you're an audiophile on a budget and looking for some hard to find flac files, look no further! I've ordered from them a couple of times without a single issue, I'm from the USA. The prices threw me off at first, but don't let that stop you, quality is top notch! forget about the limited selection and higher prices of other sites like etc....

So, let's see...

- Three years after the last post on this thread
- Your very first post
- Promoting the site while slagging off other providers.

No, on reflection, I wouldn't say your post is in any way dodgy.
As an artist who's music is being sold for peanuts on this site I can verify that this is totally not legit. The site is even charging for live recordings we give away for free on our own website. Sorry to burst everyone's bubbles.
Please do not download any albums from Allflac. Their company is registered in England, but their phone number is in San Diego, and they operate under the Ukrainian legal system (which probably sends neo-Nazis around to deal with any complaints). I phoned them and asked how they get material. I was told that they have contracts with the record companies, so I asked how come they were selling material on my labels even though I never received any such contract. They then agreed to take down my albums, most of which they have now removed. But two more were added today.
Please do not download any albums from Allflac. Their company is registered in England, but their phone number is in San Diego, and they operate under the Ukrainian legal system (which probably sends neo-Nazis around to deal with any complaints). I phoned them and asked how they get material. I was told that they have contracts with the record companies, so I asked how come they were selling material on my labels even though I never received any such contract. They then agreed to take down my albums, most of which they have now removed. But two more were added today.
Neo nazis in Ukraine? How dare you 🤣