After better sound on a budget


New member
Aug 15, 2016
Hi all, new forum user here with a problem.

I currently have the following: Denon Ceol RCD-N7 Network mini system, Rega RP-1 turntable, Cambridge audio 551P phono amp and Tannoy bookshelf speakers (can't remember the model, but it has a tweeter over a dome speaker over a bass port). These are connected using non-name 'proper' speaker cable (I.e. Not bell wire).

I'm not too happy with the sound, and suspect it is due to the amp and also positioning of speakers. At present the speakers are in IKEA Kallax bookshelves, hard up against the vertical, and about 8 feet apart, with listening position about 8 feet away. I have noticed a big improvement with grilles off the speaker, which surprised me somewhat as I didn't think I'd be able to detect that.

The Denon was the first thing I bought, before finding a stash of my old 80's & 90's vinyl I thought my mum had thrown away (still only found 50% of it mind you!), hence turntable purchase. At home I now listen almost exclusively to vinyl, but also to MP3 using AirPlay through the Denon when doing boring repetitive tasks (ironing and cleaning!).

I was wondering if replacing the Denon would make a significant difference, as well as moving the speakers out of the bookshelves and onto a large wooden unit (which weighs a ton), also among them about 6 feet apart.

Regarding the amp, I'd be looking to get one with a phono stage and ideally one that supports Bluetooth or AirPlay - does such a thing exist,mind if so (or indeed if not) what do people suggest? I almost exclusively listen to rock and indie, but some of the indie stuff is very 'gentle' (e.g. The National). Budget would be whatever I could get for the Denon (I'm guessing £100?) plus maybe £100 more, but could stretch for the right solution. I'd also consider second hand.

Many thanks for any help, I need my Hawkwind to sound even more amazing!
From what some have been saying (and I have heard for myself) you could consider some less expensive active speakers like Yamaha's. I'm sure you could pick something decent up secondhand for £200.

This kind of thing: (although I'm sure they'll go for more!)
I would change nothing, you could go for the Marantz PM6005, but it won't make a huge difference since you also pay for the dac you might not use, the cambridge phonostage you could also sell and use the one in the Marantz amp.

Money left mabye buy some isoacoustics stands or if the speaker cable is cheap buy something better
I've been in a somewhat similar situation, ditched a Denon CEOL Piccolo because I didn't like the sound. My conclusion was that I personally didn't fancy cheaper class D amplification. Denon is usually reviewed very well, but personal preferences may be different. Given that, my suggestion would be to try a cheaper class A/B amplifier. If you feel that this is not the issue, you should seriously look at class D options as they may be cheaper and more widely available with your requirements.

I'm not sure what amount of power you need. Your budget is really low: for newer small footprint amps you could look at Micromega MyAmp which was reviewed well, or the Audioengine N22, or the Monitor Audio A100. I believe these all do some combination of Bluetooth and/or Airplay. They are not very powerful, so may be insufficien for your needs. Furthermore at new prices they may be above your budget, but as these are older you may be able to find a good deal at a discount.

Another option if you prefer power over small footprint is to look at Yamaha. Their amplifiers are often recommended as being a very good deal, and they are available at low prices, quickly discounted to make room for the new generation. They are probably available even cheaper second-hand.

All the above is with the proviso that I haven't heard these amps for myself.

Furthermore it is also possible that the problem is with your speakers, or that a new amp results in your speakers becoming the weakest link.


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