The Sony came with a 75 ohm wire antenna - with a tiny pointy male end, plugging into a standrard looking aerial coaxial connector with a tiny female receptor.
Sorry for the terrible description, not sure of my connector types! When I say a tiny end, I mean it is very narrow, like a hard wire, not like a normal coaxial male connector - much thinner than the normal.
Aaa-nyway - I can't pick up any stations other than the BBC. So I'd love to get a better aerial to alow me to both find the DAB stations and get rid of the slight underlying crackle in the BBC ones.
Does anyone know where I might find a good one with the right connection?
Cheers all. :beer:
Sorry for the terrible description, not sure of my connector types! When I say a tiny end, I mean it is very narrow, like a hard wire, not like a normal coaxial male connector - much thinner than the normal.
Aaa-nyway - I can't pick up any stations other than the BBC. So I'd love to get a better aerial to alow me to both find the DAB stations and get rid of the slight underlying crackle in the BBC ones.
Does anyone know where I might find a good one with the right connection?
Cheers all. :beer: