Advice on Dacmagic


New member
Aug 10, 2019
I have my computer playing via Chord ichord, from my soundcard (X-fi xtrememusic), music is sublime for a pc audio, through my setup on my signature below.

Would it be worth my while upgrading to a DAC? I have been intrigued by peoples reviews/opinions of the Dacmagic in particular.

Would the investment of £220 herald and overall improvement in performance that would worthy the somewhat hefty price tag? Anyone bought the Dacmagic with this aim, anyone with any advice? Would be much appreciated
Well if your music's sublime already, I suspect not. I do think it's worthwhile getting the soundcard out of the electrically noisy PC, but probably not 220 quid's worthwhile. Would you say your PC's on a par with your CD player sonically?
The CD player has an overall superior sound to the pc, I suppose you are right, further thought has led me not to bother upgrading


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