Advantages & Disadvantages of 16:9 screen against a 2:35.1 one?


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Aug 10, 2019
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Hi there i will be buying my first ever projector over the next month or so and wondered if people can help me on the screen aspect size. I need to know exactly how each screen will look on various inputs with black bars etc etc. The projector will mainly be used for Sky HD/Blu-Ray Movies/PS3 games.

Some people recommend 16:9 & others the 2:35.1 version!

So what i need to know is what i will actually see (black bars wise) on each of the following inputs on both 16:9 & 2:35.1

1. Sky HD (I only watch HD channels mainly Sports/Movies)

2. Blu-Ray Discs

3. PS3 Gaming

I understand that if i purchased a 2:35.1 screen then all 16:9 transmissions would not fill the whole screen and would leave black bars down either side but what i need to know is how big will these bars be on a 100" screen?

Likewise if i went for a 16:9 screen then when watching a movie i will get black bars across the top & bottom but again how big will these bars be?

If anyone has watched sport on a 2:35.1 screen i would be very interested in their thoughts! also are films so much better in 2:35.1?

Thanks in advance


Frank Harvey

Well-known member
Jun 27, 2008
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Unless you have a projecr with an anamorphic lens, it's best to get a 16:9 one. Fims and TV will all vary in aspect ratio, soone thing might be 1.78:1 and another 2.35: or 2.40:1. Plus, some films vary between aspect ratios, so if you have everything set up for a 2.35:1 screen, the max filmed shots in The Dark Knight will be larger than the screen. I use a 2.35:1 screen, and that's the main drawback. Ocassionaly I wish it was 16:9, so that 1.78:1 films would appear much bigger.

The sizes of the black bars isn't an issue - it's how big the pic will be. A big pic, you won't be worried about black bars in the dark


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