Adding another power amp !


New member
Feb 28, 2008
Have a Cyrus Pre XPD with a PSX-R and an X Power, power amp.

What am I likely to notice most if I add another X power and run in Mono mode ?


New member
Apr 8, 2011
The budget holiday you'll be going on this year instead of the more expensive one you could have gone on if you hadn't blown a grand on the Cyrus X?


Well-known member
Dec 24, 2008
I can't answer your question directly as I only have one x power running in stereo. However I have heard two x powers running in mono, and know that lots of people over on the unofficial cyrus forum love that combination.

Personally in my size room at the volume levels I listen at, one is enough. What speakers do you have, what size is the room, how far away from the speakers do you sit, and how loud do you like to listen?

if it was me, I would probable buy a second on off the cyrus unofficial forum classifieds (or eBay) as you can pick them up for £500 or so, and give it a go. At least then you can make up your own mind.

The only thing is for the same net cost, you could buy a pair of mono x's for less than £1000 (from the same places) and sell your current x power. Better again? Maybe, only you can say!


New member
Jun 28, 2009
You will notice a huge improvement to your system.

Firstly there will be more power than you will ever need! But more importantly the music will sound better...... It's a bit like the difference between going to a gig and the musicians are really on it and having a great time and going to the last gig of a long tour when everyone is a bit tired and its not as tight and vibrant.

With the second x power I seem to have more moments where I really feel the music. I was listening to a Springsteen live recording the other day and with my eyes closed I could have been there at the concert.

the residual value on Cyrus is one of the best of all hi fi brands but you will almost certainly be able to get one for circa £500. I have a good relationship with my local store that did a good deal on new ones, always worth being friendly and asking.


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