I wish to connect adc directly to dac so that I can transmit audio as digital pulse's , I thus bought these [Analog RCA L/R Audio Converter Adapter to Digital Optical Coaxial Toslink] AND [Digital Optical Coaxial Toslink Signal to Analog Audio Converter Adapter RCA FT] from Ebay, these have the same sample rates and only audio and digital inputs & outputs so I thought a simple job of connecting digital output of one to digital input of the other and I should be able to send audio from one unit to the other but it don't work WHY NOT ???
OK I will eventually use the coaxial connection ,but firstly I'm using Toslink digital I/O, and yes I can see the red glow from the Toslink output of the ADC, the cable is about a meter long ,when I connect the Toslink I just get a high pitch digital signal, many thanks – Gerald Woollard
OK I will eventually use the coaxial connection ,but firstly I'm using Toslink digital I/O, and yes I can see the red glow from the Toslink output of the ADC, the cable is about a meter long ,when I connect the Toslink I just get a high pitch digital signal, many thanks – Gerald Woollard