Acoustic Energy Neo 3 vs Monitor Audio RS6?


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Hi guys I am becoming increasingly interested in buying the RS6's because the price second hand really is starting to tumble now and so therefore would like to see how you rate the former compared to the latter. i think the Neo 3's are excellent speakers and therefore before parting with them want to make sure I am doing the right thing

I'd say stick with Neos until you can make a significant upgrade rather than an incremental one. I have never heard the Neos but I did have RS6s. If you are happy with them, just enjoy 'em.
I'd stick with them as well.

I currently own the RS6's and have had them before this time as well; I've also owned the Neo 3's and can say that unless you're really unhappy with them, don't bother changing them.

The RS6's are stunning speakers but I cant see the trade up being that prominent unless you look to upgrade your amp and CDP as well
hi fi newbie:
Hi guys I am becoming increasingly interested in buying the RS6's because the price second hand really is starting to tumble now and so therefore would like to see how you rate the former compared to the latter. i think the Neo 3's are excellent speakers and therefore before parting with them want to make sure I am doing the right thing


The Nad and RS6 will have wonderful partnership, but is it an upgrade from your Neo or sideways, that's the question?
Thanks for the feedback, looks like i am going to need to spend a lot of money to beat my current amplifier then.

I'd say you'd have to look at the Roksan Kandy K2 if not higher to beat it currently.... Plenty of sideways upgrades but not many upwards upgrades unless you spent c£1k plus IMO
Yeah I have heard the K2 amp and it's an excellent amp which does sound quite a bit better than mine but eek the price! lol. I guess on the flip side of things it's reassuring to know that I do have an excellent system though.
I would say you should stick with the neo 3's. Having owned them and auditioned the Rs6's, its not worth upgrading until you reach the £800 mark or so. Regards, Scott.
I am a big fan of AE speakers, my 109's feel like they are made of solid concrete and weigh like it too.such is the build qaulty. very rare for floorstanders that cost £330 new.,tried some MA BR5 floorstanders in my system and I didn't like them as much at higher volumes, Never heard the RS6
Interesting thanks, so when you say around 900.00 Scott, what speakers are you talking about? and are you saying you didn't hear an improvement, or simply you did but it wasn't a big enough improvement?


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