A very unmatched system, yet benefits?


New member
Aug 10, 2019
I've a Nad C352 Amp & Quad 11L speakers with decent bi-wired cable. My NAD C542 cd player packed up and I chanced into getting a Cyrus CD8SE with a PSX-R & cyrus interconnects in a few days, great but obviously not ideal for the rest of it. Looking forward to seeing for myself but interested in a more informed opinion - will I lose all the benefits of the cd player given everything else in the system? Or will something shine through?

Obviously hope to move away from the rest just not immediately.
It is a very good start! But then I would say that. The 8SE and PSX-R is an awesome combination and it should be at £1700 retail! You will notice the big improvement on your old CDP but you won't hear what the combo can really do unless you also upgrade the rest of the system. Go and demo a few amps (eg. Cyrus 8VS going cheap at the moment because new one is coming) plus some nice speakers (eg Spendors, PMC etc go nicely with Cyrus kit). Have fun upgrading 🙂


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