A suggestion......


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Aug 10, 2019
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I am sure that I am not the first to suggest this (and maybe it belongs in the MP3/MP4 section....)

How about What Hi Fi reviewing the music media players?

Yesterday (a year, or so, after I meant to) I bought my first NAS and will be looking at putting my CDs across my wireless network.

I want to move away from Itunes as I am sick of the DRM and I want to encode in lossless files that is compatible beyond Apple (i.e. FLAC not ALAC) products... (in actual fact I would like FLAC to be Apple compatible but I do not know if it is).

So I came to What Hi Fi Reviews section to see what alternative media players are out there.... and they are not catered for at all....

I realise that there is a grey blurred area between hardware and software but at the same time it is relevant in the modern world....

My other question is does anyone want to recommend a decent media player to encode CDs to FLAC and will be Logitech Squeezebox compatible (I cannot afford the Squeezebox for a month or so)....



No, you have misunderstood.... that is hardware (I am sure that software comes bundled)..... I am talking software, like Itunes and .... dunno any others than Itunes - hence the question.


Well-known member
bloatedgut:No, you have misunderstood.... that is hardware (I am sure that software comes bundled)..... I am talking software, like Itunes and .... dunno any others than Itunes - hence the question.Ah,ok got you...

For other music managers/CD rippers have a look at, Foobar2000, MediaMonkey,EAC (Exact Audio Copy), DBpoweramp,JRiver Media Jukebox...


Maybe it has changed but whenever I have bought or burned music in Apple encoded files I am restricted in what hardware I can play it on and the number of times I can transfer it to other players.... that is not the situation with other musical retailers....

I am not really here to debate with the Apple heads or give a reasoned account as to why I dislike Apple.... for me that decision is made. Now I want to move on and away from Apple with a nice media playing client that allows me to use the music that I have purchased in the way that I want to.

I know JD that you are an Apple fan and even if there has been a wholesale change in the way that they do business I am no longer interested.... they lost my desire to do business quite a while back.... they might produce nice shiny baubles for rich people but they do not represent value for money at all.... and even if they did they attempt to control me and the way I access information and media that I have paid for.


JohnDuncan:I'm just a music fan really...

I see that, from experience of some of your impassioned debating, as an over simplification.... but as I said I do not want this to be about Apple, so I take your point.


Well-known member
WHF have reviewed and rated the likes of itunes and Spotify, but I think that bloatedgut and myself and others would like to see more reviews of different music manager and streaming sites and even their appearance in the ratings lists at the back of the magazine.


idc:WHF have reviewed and rated the likes of itunes and Spotify, but I think that bloatedgut and myself and others would like to see more reviews of different music manager and streaming sites and even their appearance in the ratings lists at the back of the magazine.

Indeed... I rather regret mentioning Itunes and Apple.... it has rather taken away from the main point... which is could someone from WHF consider reviewing Itune type media player type clients in the same manner as they would MP3 players - after all these pieces of software are what turns our computers into MP3 players.

In my experience if a WHF staffer replies to an aspect of a question that is not the main thrust of a question that is their way of politely saying 'no'...

Pre-empting the complexity (i.e. lots of players) argument I would point out that that would be another reason for giving guidance and that there are lots of areas where WHF do not give complete coverage but still provide fantastic reviews & guidance (i.e. NAS's, even TVs and Amps.... etc).


JohnDuncan:But if I were of a mind to move to FLAC (which I may very well be), I might investigate Foobar and dbPoweramp for Windows. Presumably Max for Mac is off your radar?

Well in order to run Max for Mac I presume that I would need a Mac....? In essence I run Windows based computing but always am stupid enough to buy an Ipod as they are good and other options require research.... but that locks you into running Itunes. I lost my Ipod now and am pursuing the NAS idea so the mext MP3 will be non-Apple and selected using WHF reviews. The Squeezebox will come and then I need something like Itunes for my puter....

I will investigate Foobar and dbPoweramp... a friend (I am now recalling) has Media Monkey but it would be nice to see somewhere that evaluates them and I trust and like WHF more than a random review site pulled down from Google.


For what it's worth I use Media Monkey and Dbpoweramp (for ripping) and can recommend both. Good luck


2oldnslow:For what it's worth I use Media Monkey and Dbpoweramp (for ripping) and can recommend both. Good luck

Lovely thanks.


Well in order to run Max for Mac I presume that I would need a Mac....?Yes, which is presumably off your radar (for reasons given above).

Yeah.... I mean, you know, I always thought that next upgrade would be to a Power Book.... but no more, Apple's actions over the previous 3 years just annoy me and they are over-priced. I might get a Mac if my photography took off more (i.e. into a professional environment) but beyond that I see them as aspirational and most of their strategy is to sell you something expensive for which you then need to buy more stuff from them and their shop to work on their products... etc. I think that Microsoft had a controlling and negative image way back when.... I think that they have worked hard to shed that (releasing various IP and coding for development by other software manufacturers) and that Apple are slowly taking on that mantle. It is what you get when you move from quirky 'other' to mainstream corporation and they (Jobs et al.) are not managing it well - i.e. response to Iphone 4 fault was not 'sorry' but 'well do not hold it like that' - says it all really. Bye Apple - do not need to give you all my money for such an attitude.


Well in order to run Max for Mac I presume that I would need a Mac....?Yes, which is presumably off your radar (for reasons given above).

Yeah.... I mean, you know, I always thought that next upgrade would be to a Power Book.... but no more, Apple's actions over the previous 3 years just annoy me and they are over-priced. I might get a Mac if my photography took off more (i.e. into a professional environment) but beyond that I see them as aspirational and most of their strategy is to sell you something expensive for which you then need to buy more stuff from them and their shop to work on their products... etc. I think that Microsoft had a controlling and negative image way back when.... I think that they have worked hard to shed that (releasing various IP and coding for development by other software manufacturers) and that Apple are slowly taking on that mantle. It is what you get when you move from quirky 'other' to mainstream corporation and they (Jobs et al.) are not managing it well - i.e. response to Iphone 4 fault was not 'sorry' but 'well do not hold it like that' - says it all really. Bye Apple - do not need to give you all my money for such an attitude.

IP in this context means Intellectual Property.


JohnDuncan:I prefer "iPad Pointless".

John Duncan!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Has someone hacked JDs account and is having a laugh?

Well I agree, just shocked at whom I am hearing this from.... it is like hearing Mary Whitehouse swear in her local swinging club.

John Duncan

Well-known member
My thoughts on the pointness (or otherwise) of the iPad are well documented. As are they of the usability of OSX, the design of the iPhone 4 and the functionality of the Apple TV released yesterday (neither better nor worse than windows in the former case, retrograde in the latter two). My thoughts on the new Shuffle and Nano are yet to be written down (because I can't be bothered really, but cf: iPad).

For those lawyers reading, we would like to point out that Mary Whitehouse never swore.


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