A-S500 volume control


Well-known member
Nov 23, 2007
I'm finding that the volume control on the A-S500 jumps suddenly around the 8 o'clock position, even when controlling it by hand - like a definite step rather than a gradual change. Is my amp faulty or is this simply a characteristic of this amp's volume control?
i can't say i noticed that on my as-500 mp, though i rarely had the volume lower than 9 o'clock so i can't be sure.
havent noticed it with mine, volume increase seems gradual all the way till 12, but i very rarely go that high. does it do that with every source that you use?
After three years, he's finally admitted it...!
matthewpiano, would you say that the Yamaha AS 500 is the best budget amp you have used compared to the NAD C326, CA amps, Marantz 6003, Rotel RA-04SE?

How does it compare to the next level up? e.g. comparison to Arcam A18?
Blackdawn said:
matthewpiano, would you say that the Yamaha AS 500 is the best budget amp you have used compared to the NAD C326, CA amps, Marantz 6003, Rotel RA-04SE? How does it compare to the next level up? e.g. comparison to Arcam A18?

I don't think there is a 'best' budget amp. All have their qualities and also their negative points and it is about finding the right balance for the individual, as I've pointed out in another thread this morning.

I'm only just coming round to this point of view but I believe it is the only way I will settle. I'm currently in the process of working out where I am most able to compromise and what aspects of sound are most important to me. Then I am going to make some final changes, KNOWING what the weaknesses are going to be but being prepared to live with them.

The Yamaha is superb although I personally find the soundstage a little on the over-large side for my room and I'd like a bit more warmth and body to the mid-range. If I go to something else to get these things I know I'll lose some of the Yamaha's outstanding detail and clarity.

Regarding the A18 it sounded very pleasant with relatively simple stuff. On acoustic material in particular it left some of the cheaper amps for dead. However, it was fussy about partnering speakers and needed the addition of a power amp to drive anything more challenging than about 89/90dB sensitivity and 8Ohms impedance. In that respect some of the cheaper amps are better and more flexible.
Okay, interesting points to consider. Thanks for the input.

How are you getting on using older CDP's along side new other components?

If you turn the loudness button on the Yamaha, does this improve the midrange and bass?
Using the older CD players isn't a problem to me at all. I've got a few (the NAD, a CD63SE, a Rotel '965 BX, and a Philips CD840) and I'm quite happy to use them while they still work. I'm finding that the NAD sounds a bit more natural than the CD63SE at present.

Regarding the loudness button, the way it works is as follows:

Set the main volume to the maximum level you want to use. Then use the loudness control to trim the volume downwards when you want to listen lower. This means that, in effect, you don't use the main volume control at all if you are utilising the loudness control. However, you can't use the loudness control AND the Pure Direct feature so you have to make a choice. Personally I can't hear a great difference with the Pure Direct, but the loudness control works very well. It doesn't boost the frequency extremes like conventional loudness controls. In fact you don't notice any overt boosting at all and yet it does sound fuller and more substantial at lower levels than if you turn the main volume control down. Basically it does a very good job of retaining the tonal characteristics of the higher volume level. Hope this makes sense!
Okay thanks for making that clear. I see its different to convention loudness controls such as the one the NAD 3020 had. Shame there are not many of these about on amps anymore.

I see on amps such as the Marantz PM 8004 there are treble, mid and bass to alter. This would be handy for the Yamaha to have. I guess the other option could be a graphics equaliser?

Have you tried the Denon PMA 1510AE, apparently it won HiFi choice 2010?
Used to have a PMA1500AE (the immediate predecessor to the 1510AE). It was competent enough but absolutely nothing special for its inflated price tag. At the time I replaced it by going back to a NAD C325BEE, which quite frankly was far more involving. I haven't heard the PMA1510AE so can't comment on that, although I don't think its massively different looking at the spec.
For Matthewpiano: What do you think about AS 500 paired with old B&W dm 1800 (all. metal tweeter) I need good & deep bass section - thanks
For Matthewpiano: What do you think about AS 500 paired with old B&W dm 1800 (all. metal tweeter) I need good & deep bass section - thanks
GCE said:
For Matthewpiano: What do you think about AS 500 paired with old B&W dm 1800 (all. metal tweeter) I need good & deep bass section - thanks

Hi GCE. I'm not familiar with your speakers so it is impossible for me to make any meaningful comment. If they veer towards brightness you might be better considering a NAD C326BEE but my advice would be to take your speakers to the dealer and audition 2 or 3 amps to see which you like the best.
My B&W are two way bass reflex with metal dome tweeter, like a middle road btween the B&W 685 and 684; I need to know if the Yam AS 500 is more pushing (and perhaps annoiyng!) the middle ( Voices, brass ) or high frequencies; are you glad of this amp or are you thinking to sell it out...? Thanks a lot.
Factor in your CDP too, it's not just down to your amp or speakers, but the three together. You need at least one of those three to even out the tone, else you'll end up with bright/shrill. The Yammy's apparently got a keen high end, so while metal dome tweeters are not bright per se, they will accentuate that characteristic when partnered with other bright sounding gear, and possibly more so. Ca' canny, as we say up here.
GCE said:
My B&W are two way bass reflex with metal dome tweeter, like a middle road btween the B&W 685 and 684; I need to know if the Yam AS 500 is more pushing (and perhaps annoiyng!) the middle ( Voices, brass ) or high frequencies; are you glad of this amp or are you thinking to sell it out...? Thanks a lot.
hi, i've never heard a b&w speaker so can't really comment, though i do find that since i switched from my as-500 to my current (though not for long) marantz pm7001 that the resulting sound is a bit warmer, which would indicate the as-500 is a slightly more forward sounding amp, still might be fine with your speakers though, but i'd be weary if your room acoustics are not too kind.


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