the record spot:The 685s - possibly more than any other standmount in the sub-£500 bracket - has had more "bright" comments against it than any other speaker I can think of in the last few years. Never heard it, but I think, as I said, that many of those comments are borne from partnering it with other equipments that is also at the tonally brighter/detailed end of the scale (Cyrus, Cambridge, Rotel, etc). Too much of a good thing, etc....
RS I find it very unfair of you to comment on a speaker that you haven't even heard. The one maxim that is preached on these forums and elsewhere is "Listen first and then form an opinion". Of course synergy is very important and it takes a lot of effort, trial and error to get the right combination. But to dismiss a speaker based on heresay is not the type of comments you should be making.
Why on earth is it unfair of me to make a comment on something I haven't heard when I'm not only making it clear I haven't heard it, but am balancing out the piece by then saying it very much comes down to balance with the other components? And, as per my earlier reply (brief as it came via phone), if you can tell me where exactly I dismissed the 685, feel free to show me where I said that please.
I did say that the speaker is "good/excellent" and stand by that - I doubt B&W make dross, it's won awards I think, and has consistently been well reviewed across the board. The other comments also stand. PErhaps you should be criticising me for saying that the speaker is recognised as being decent than otherwise.
Lastly, and again, I think the whole "no comments unless you've heard it" is baloney. Even at review, the gear is only representative with the review set-up(s). Once someone hears an item with different gear, the whole picture can change, hence balance/synergy, hence forming your own opinion, and very much hence why it's absolutely fine to comment thus.
What's really rich though is that I tend to be pretty careful and try to be clear when I'm making such comments to include "apparently", "according to", "by all accounts" (or the like) and to be picked up on something when it's pretty obvious all that's been airbrushed aside to cherrypick the above quote - and even then get it wrong - to suit your own POV is annoying.