Well I've just been down to my local well known electronics shop to check out the 3dtvs - and was shocked at the picture quality.
They had the Samsung UE40c700 and the Panasonic 50vt20 on display and I was surprised by just how good the 3d effect is. Much better than watching Avatar at the cinema. So clear and the 3d really jumps out at u. Both TVs were simply excellent.
In the end I ordered a Samsung UE46c8000 and the bd6900 to go with it. (The 50'' Pana would just have been too big for my flat)
Cant wait till it arrives in a week or so.
Now i just need to buy some decent audio connects to connect the bluray to my sony 2400es amp.
They had the Samsung UE40c700 and the Panasonic 50vt20 on display and I was surprised by just how good the 3d effect is. Much better than watching Avatar at the cinema. So clear and the 3d really jumps out at u. Both TVs were simply excellent.
In the end I ordered a Samsung UE46c8000 and the bd6900 to go with it. (The 50'' Pana would just have been too big for my flat)
Cant wait till it arrives in a week or so.
Now i just need to buy some decent audio connects to connect the bluray to my sony 2400es amp.