
New member
Aug 10, 2019
I just read the article on this site about 3d tv.

Wouldn't it make more sense to develop 3d projectors for home use rather than tvs? Surely given that 3d projectors are already in use, downsizing the technology for home use would seem an easier, cheaper and more logical transition. Watching in 3d on a 42" or 50" doesn't seem all that appealing to me, and anything smaller would, in my opinion, be fairly silly.

They won't be able to make old films not shot on the format, 3d will they? ie matrix, gladiator, and older classics won't be re-released with the 3d treatment will they (I certainly hope not anyway - hopefully this isn't possible).
Personally im getting a bit fed up with the industries extravagant, gimmick chasing ways, and so i hope 3dtv dies a quick death, painfull or otherwise.

I agree with you on screen size tho - only real home cinema buffs with big screens will be interested, i hope.


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