24/192 Music Downloads Are Silly


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Mar 3, 2010
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Not your fault as you're a newby but this is another one of those contentious issues like cables that has been absolutely done to death, and every time the subject is raised all it does is kick-start a huge thread of arguments which get nowhere.


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Feb 15, 2013
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Lol, sorry about that.. I laughed when i read your reply. I kinda figured as much, though not in the sense of lossy vs lossless - I think that's pretty clear cut. I was hoping for the opposite :)

Humans are funny creatures. Having spent the past few months trawling the net left right and center researching my next purchase and all the tiny peripheral details, and every one talking about bitstream best quality digital audio etc etc, this was the first time I came across an aritcle that talks about audio not based bit rates and hertz, but actually on the human ear, which is really the absolute basis for the humoungous amounts of money we're willing to spend in the quest for sonic orgasmology. It's all to easy to get stuck into the specs, reviews, awards etc (guilty as charged) but in the end it's organic. Seems like we tend to forget that. So it's nice to see a refreshing angle blending anatomy to physics...Tbh I figured it could stir a bit of a debate, but an informative and intelligent one (well I hoped).

And if I'm perfectly honest, I must confess... I was also curious to see how a group of anonymous people might walk the debate line on an interesting subject.... Once you get the ball rolling, in parallel it's kinda fun reading between the lines and observing people's reactions, and., if your open minded enough, catch yourself on occasion in theirs. Occasionally you learn a thing or two too :) ... Angles man, angles :shhh:

But humans will be humans, of all scales and colours, wired with rationale and logic, and coloured by emotions. Bless the passionate emotion driven creatures we are... :) :boohoo:


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Mar 8, 2009
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>What do you guys make of it?

Only a benefit if you amp goes up to 11. FACT :rockout:
MF has a good memory. Here's the recent thread - don't be misled by the title:-


Personally, I like the concept of wider-bandwidth designs, but I recognise that "...the wider you open the window the more muck that flies in". Not my words, but that sums it up neatly. It seems quite possible that 24/192 as applied today is mostly extra noise. And that probably sounds comforting - a bit of fuzzy distortion, harmonics, etc., just like LPs. Therefore, better!?

One day, it might be commonplace to record at 24/192 or better. After all, my phone has more memory than my first PC, and Blurays are vast compared to floppy discs or CDs, so technology moves on.


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