2 channel blu ray


New member
Aug 10, 2019
I am thinking bout getting a Blu-ray player. Ive no plans to get a home cinema package any time soon. Is it worth getting a Blu-ray for the picture and just listening to it in stereo? If not I might just get an upscaling dvd player.
Hard to say on this one as it's really down to a personal preference. Some say they can't really see much difference between upscaled DVD and Blu-Ray whilst others (myself included) think it's a big step up in quality. *EDIT - sorry, saw you have your TV listed in your sig after I posted, it's a Full HD display and at 42" I would expect the increased quality between Blu-Ray and DVD to be quite apparent at a normal viewing distance for that size. Try out some demos and see what you think.

One thing is for certain, a large part of the Blu-Ray experience is the sound.
bobbyg81:I am thinking bout getting a Blu-ray player. Ive no plans to get a home cinema package any time soon. Is it worth getting a Blu-ray for the picture and just listening to it in stereo? If not I might just get an upscaling dvd player.

I agree with proffhat - can't give you a definitive answer on the picture quality between Blu-Ray and DVD, however, from a sound point of view, it'll certainly be worthwhile. I play my Arcs thru 2-channels and the virtual surround sound is terrific.
i found cheap dvd's pretty terrible in terms of longevity, so when i needed to replace my last one it was either spend £100 on a dvd player or slightly more on a blu-ray. Also took the view that they should be better built than those models in the next few years as prices drop more and quality also decreases.

I can certainly see the difference (on some films) between blu-ray and upscaled dvd. More so with the pixar type films (Wall-e) than e.g. casino royale
Would agree with pastic penguin. With your speakers you should hear a difference. Clearly you need to try it out though.
I use a Pioneer BDP-51FD for BluRay and occasionally also for CD-replay, as it's plugged in to my amp (no surround here either) next to the 'dedicated' cdp. Perfectly reasonable player.


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