Iam looking for a new hifi set up for my loft room.
The room is 20 by 20 feet and has a diagonal roof.
I think it has to be a floorstander cause the size of the room and the music i listen to. (Rock, Metal, Pop, Electronic)
i was thinking of the Klipsch rf 62 with a Marantz PM7003 amp and 6003cd player. (Klipsch is mentioned with rock music)
Any thoughts on this forum?
I think the Klipsch speakers will be quite something for rock and metal, if you like thundering bass; I think the review mentioned it was unruly, but by the same token, that might be exactly what you want.
The horn tweeter might be a bit brash, but you'll need to see how you get on, how well the speaker sounds, but definitely give it a go. I think they probably benefit from an amp that's more capable of handling those drivers, so more power, but then you could upgrade the amplifier spend and downgrade the speaker budget. Alternatively, you can seek out some good actives - the ones I've heard really deliver a good deep bass, very clean and very articulate, way lower than I'd expected (speaking especially of Genelec here). This'll free up some cash for a better source player (the CD6003 is fine, but you could do better with your budget).
There's a great range of stuff out there, but I'd be shortlisting, amongst a bunch of others, Genelec 8030A actives, Acoustic Energy AE22 actives, KRK VX8 actives (around £800-900), Audiolab 8000s & 8000p amps (£649 from AVLand online), Marantz SA8003 (£599-£799) CDP, Audiolab 8000CD (around £450-500), Harman Kardon HK990 CDP (from £349-£499), Q Acoustics 2050 floorstanders and I'm hard pressed to mention too many others more than that as the actives are so good, but the Q brand I really like.