1080p or Auto setting on bluray players ?

jase fox

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Apr 24, 2008
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Which one is the recommended setting? My plasma is full HD i presently have mine set to Auto & it does default to 1080p whilst i watch a bluray or standard DVD, would there be any real benefit in setting it to 1080p?


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Aug 27, 2008
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As nad says. But id hazard a guess the Pioneer bluray will upscale better than the tv so id stick it on 1080P personally (But try both over a few months to be sure)

jase fox

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Apr 24, 2008
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Thanks for your replies guys, i have the Denon 2500bt transport i just havnt been able to edit out the Pioneer player as yet.

I was told that if you set the player to Auto then the player still does the upscaling etc its only when you set it to 576p that the plasma does the upscaling? Is this right?

Also to add to this in the instruction manual for the Denon it says that when you select Auto the player automatically detects the connected devices resolution & upscales accordingly, so it sounds like the player is still doing the upscaling set to auto.


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To be honest jase im not sure of the settings.

Clearly you want the player to ouput 1080P or 720P whenever a relevent bluray disc is played (Else it would downscale then upscale which would be barmy)

So if you can ~ set to auto for blurays and 576i for dvds (For the tv to upscale dvds)


I would personally have the Denon set to 1080p - it's an awesome DVD upscaler and although you have a great telly, I think the Denon should do what it does best!

jase fox

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Apr 24, 2008
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Blunny89:I would personally have the Denon set to 1080p - it's an awesome DVD upscaler and although you have a great telly, I think the Denon should do what it does best!Yes the Denon certainly is a great Dvd upscaler , but like ive already mentioned, in the Denon 2500bt instruction manual it does say that when you set to auto "HDMI video resolution will be selected automatically depending on the connected HDMI device" So from what this states when set to auto the Denon is still doing the upscaling, its only when i set the Denons resolution to 576p that my plasma does it. Also 1080p is displayed on my screen were as if the plasma was doing the upscaling it would display 576p.

Ive done an a/b comparison between "auto" & "1080p" & theres hardly anything in it really but after a long demo i found that maybe the "auto" setting was slightly deeper (but this is only nit picking) as im sure if both these settings are doing the same thing then my eyes are prob playing tricks with me, ha.

So im going to leave it on auto i think, for now anyway, but the main thing is that both blurays & standard Dvds look the business !!


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I say to test over 'months' because in my experience it can take 'months' for things to materialise.

For example ~ I bought , a PS3 and a Pioneer dvd player ages ago. Set BOTH to upscale and set both to 1080i (My tv wont accept 1080P unless its a true bluray 24fps). I tried normal 576i AND p and found they upscaled better than my tv

I was well impressed and left it like that for about 6 months. Then out of sheer intrigue I tried upscaling via the tv again but left it for a few weeks. It was quite clear the TV upscaled FAR better (After a period of it running in like that). Now I do have a Pioneer tv which are renowned for having good scalers so Id say your denon will still probably have the better scaler in it. But make sure you do try them BOTH out over a few months before you decide for good.

People try these tests where they swop and expect instant changes (Which can and do occur), but sometimes it can take quite a while for changes to occur (Like it did for my tv)

jase fox

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Apr 24, 2008
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Yes i agree with you entirely here Rik, mind you i have had my Denon set to auto more or less since i got it way back in september of last year, thats how i knew i couldnt tell that much of a difference if any at all as i do strongly believe that the auto & 1080p settings are the same thing.

I mainly asked this question because ive had a few friends etc tell me its better quality through 1080p setting as opposed to auto but they are the same settings its just that one is done automatically & the other direct.

But still the Denon does the upscaling via both these settings.


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