100 pounds to spend, which headphone is right for me?


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Hello everybody,

I'm currently looking for a new headphone to boost my recent purchase, a MP3 player.
I will play mostly FLAC music files on my MP3 player.
I have seen and heard a few headphones, and right now there are still four contenders,

Grado iGrado
Grado SR60i
Bose On-Ear
Beyerdynamic DT 440

The Grado headphones are very well received here on whathifi, but i wonder what the people here
think of the Bose On Ear and the Beyerdynamic DT 440 (who respectively earn 2 and 3 stars on this site)

I hope that the answers of the people here can help me make up my mind...thank you in advance for your answers/advise.


Well-known member
Jan 2, 2008
Does it matter how much the sound leaks and how much you are isolated from outside noise? If not Grado is virtually the defacto starter audiophile headphone. For £100 you should be able to squeeze the SR80s, which have more life and dynamic to them than the SR60s.

The Bose On ear are OK, they isolate well and do not leak much sound, but build is poor IMO and the bass emphasis over the midrange draws criticism.

I have not heard the Beyers.

If you are anywhere near a John Lewis or Apple Shop both have the Bose and other headphones to try (but not the Grados or Beyers).


thank you idc for your reply, it does not really matter how much the sound leaks, because i will do most of the listening while i'm riding on my bicycle to school.

The Grado SR80 is a really good option, so thank you for suggesting it. I have seen it for 109 pounds, that's a good deal right?
But the only reservation i have is whether or not i need an headphone amplifier to go with it. I have never used an headphone amplifier, but i can imagine it's useful when you use a headphone like the Grado SR80.

Tomorrow i will try the Beyerdynamic headphone to hear the difference between them and the Bose headphone. I will also try the Grado headphones if they are available.

Is there anyone here who can tell me something about the Beyerdynamic headphones?


Well-known member
Jan 2, 2008
The Grados are sensitive and don't need an amp, but I find all headphones sound better when properly amped. £109 is as good as you will get. If you are cycling the Grados may not be your best bet at I would imagine the wind noise may be annoying.

I would also think (though no experience of this) that around the neck type headphones would be more secure.


I have the Grado SR 80i headphones and they are excellent, even when running straight from my iphone. The fact they are open so you would be able to hear any cars that might be about to run you over could be useful. However they're not the most rugged headphones and might take a bit of a battering being in your school bag.


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