£150 - new amp with a guarantee or second hand ?


Well-known member
Feb 10, 2014
This is not so much a "what amp do I get" but rather is the better theoretical sound available from second hand £100+ amplifiers worth it against new amplifiers that may lack some of the quality but gain in the "newness" and guarentee ?

any thoughts ?

cisamcgu said:
This is not so much a "what amp do I get" but rather is the better theoretical sound available from second hand £100+ amplifiers worth it against new amplifiers that may lack some of the quality but gain in the "newness" and guarentee ?

any thoughts ?


Well my whole setup is 2nd hand/used equipment. Roksan Caspian M2 amp and cd player for less than a grand each, and ex-demo MA RX6's for £500 (so still have a warranty).

Big savings made which enabled me to buy 'better' kit (not sure better is correct choice of word but sure you know what i mean).

And if you want 2nd hand, i've got a Marantz PM7001 amp you can buy from me, with a matching SA7001 SA-CD player.
stevee1966 said:
cisamcgu said:
This is not so much a "what amp do I get" but rather is the better theoretical sound available from second hand £100+ amplifiers worth it against new amplifiers that may lack some of the quality but gain in the "newness" and guarentee ?

any thoughts ?


Well my whole setup is 2nd hand/used equipment. Roksan Caspian M2 amp and cd player for less than a grand each, and ex-demo MA RX6's for £500 (so still have a warranty).

Big savings made which enabled me to buy 'better' kit (not sure better is correct choice of word but sure you know what i mean).

And if you want 2nd hand, i've got a Marantz PM7001 amp you can buy from me, with a matching SA7001 SA-CD player.

You can't go trading things on this forum ............ shocking.... :shame:
with just £150 i would go second hand. i don't think you are going to get much for that sort of money new.

with a better quality 2nd hand purchase, you will probably have a better chance of selling it on should you want to.
I'd go second hand. You'll get a much better sounding product, and if you buy something from a decent brand it will be repairable if something does go wrong.
stevee1966 said:
Well my whole setup is 2nd hand/used equipment. Roksan Caspian M2 amp and cd player for less than a grand each, and ex-demo MA RX6's for £500 (so still have a warranty).

Big savings made which enabled me to buy 'better' kit (not sure better is correct choice of word but sure you know what i mean).

And if you want 2nd hand, i've got a Marantz PM7001 amp you can buy from me, with a matching SA7001 SA-CD player.

How much ? :wave:

you can email me at : andrew - at - mcguiness.co.uk

I think Vintage stuff is where value for money is although it's now started to getting more expensive. Something like 70's Luxman or Sansui do sound rather good, there might be a cap or 2 need replacing to get them sound fresh.
I have a Marantz PM5004 bought from new at around £150 which is decent if unspectacular - i also have a NAD C320BEE bought 2nd hand off ebay for considerably less - the NAD is at least twice as good as the Marantz.......
Not sure what you'll take from this but I bought an A&R A60 new back in 198? early 80's anyway. During the 1st year guarantee period I had a faulty transistor replaced. About 2 years ago I replaced a scratchy sounding volume pot. I still use the amp now and again as a second system, and it's still sounding good to me.

So I've had 30 years use out of it without much problem I also bought an A&R T21 tuner at the same time which has not given any problem and my Rotel CD player must be pushing 20 years old, and other than a sticking tray if not used regularly is still going OK. So as for worrying about used kit not having a guarantee I don't think it's a great problem. Maybe I've just been lucky but if you get a good un then I'm sure you'll get better value and better sound from 2nd hand.
Something like this looks a good bet. http://www.amazon.co.uk/Denon-PMA520AE-Integrated-Amplifier-Black/dp/B007Y3OBAQ/ref=cm_cr_pr_product_top#productDescription


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