Recent content by Uffington

  1. U

    yamaha rx v379

    Hi there....everything was working fine with the from Sky Box to amp via optical digital and from Blu ray player via co ax digital cables ( HDMI from both to tv) However all sound has just disappeared... I reset the amp but for the life of me can't get it to work. Tried following...
  2. U

    Marantz PM 7200's the speaker...thank you Uffi*biggrin*
  3. U

    Marantz PM 7200

    My amp has given me faithful dervice for many years...but now has a problem I can't solve...when playing a cd via my new Q acoustic speakers, some of the info ( vocals ) is missing on the rh channel. I have tried using a different input....aux i and aux 2, same result, but through headphones it...
  4. U

    Cambridge Audio CX A60

    From the What HiFi review..." There's a decent spread of analogue and digital connections with four line level inputs and two speaker terminals( so you can biwire or run a second pair of speakers) "
  5. U

    Cambridge Audio CX A60

    What is odd, is that it is What HiFis own review....
  6. U

    Cambridge Audio CX A60

    I am a bit puzzled by the "advice" in the review of this suggests using both sets of terminals on the amp to biwire the this correct ? I always thought that this was a big no-no.
  7. U

    IXOS211 banana Plugs

    That is the only way I could think of...but it's a pretty ugly solution ..
  8. U

    IXOS211 banana Plugs

    Does anyone have any idea how to connect these to speaker cable ? There are no instructions and I am completely stumped !! Thanks in anticipation.
  9. U

    Yamaha RX-V379

    Thanks very much....
  10. U

    Yamaha RX-V379

    Just bought this, and am highly delighte...I have my Sky+ boc connected via hdmi, but every time I turn it on, the amp fires up as well !! I don't want this eeverytime, eg watching news or documentaary. Is there a way to disable this ? Many thanks Uffington
  11. U

    Single run or biwire

    Thanks...single wire it is..Chord Carnival Silver Screen.. Steve
  12. U

    Single run or biwire

    My new speakers are bi wireable..KEF IQ5SE.previously I have been using QED Silver but only as single runs.. Obviously I will need twice as much speaker cable if I bi-wire, But is this money well spent? Is the same amount of money spent on a higher quality pair of stereo cables better...