Recent content by terminalpreppie

  1. T

    best 5 star scart lead

    I need a new scart lead, i only want one reccomended by what hifi mag worth 5 stars, any suggestions please.
  2. T

    whats the best scart lead

    Thanks for the reply,and i will pay a lot more if there is anything else out there.
  3. T

    whats the best scart lead

    Whats the best scart lead to rival hdmi and component cable
  4. T

    hdmi to component lead

    Excuse my lack of knowledge but what is my digital optical cable doing.
  5. T

    hdmi to component lead

    How can i get rid of such a good tv, superb picture and sound quality plus all the features.
  6. T

    hdmi to component lead

    My tv is a Toshiba36zp48p dolby digital pro logic and an external panasonic dvd freeview recorder. 5 star ratings by what hifi mag. Both are connected by component and optical cables, no hdmi connection on tv. My question is,ive just recieved a talk talk youview box with hdmi,scart, and...