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      DREADZONE reacted to Gray's post in the thread Yamaha CDR-HD1300 with Like Like.
      Not 'read' the files in the same way that he might if he were to remove the hard drive - and look at its contents. What you will get...
      DREADZONE reacted to SallyB's post in the thread Yamaha CDR-HD1300 with Like Like.
      Let’s hope John is able to return and let us know how he gets on. I might want to do it myself one day!
      DREADZONE reacted to SallyB's post in the thread Yamaha CDR-HD1300 with Like Like.
      I have owned one of these excellent machines since they came out. I will be interested to hear if these suggestions work. Short of...
      DREADZONE reacted to Gray's post in the thread Yamaha CDR-HD1300 with Like Like.
      Good for you Sally, a unique product - and it says a lot that both yours and John's are working perfectly after decades. Depends how...
      DREADZONE reacted to SallyB's post in the thread Yamaha CDR-HD1300 with Like Like.
      Yes, they were £750 as I recall, but I guess that at around 30 years use, that doesn’t sound as bad. In some ways it remains a unique...
      DREADZONE replied to the thread Yamaha CDR-HD1300.
      I bought a Yamaha CDR-1300-II in Dec 2004, so surprisingly only 20 years old! It's a great, unique piece of kit, and gave me hours of...
      DREADZONE replied to the thread Yamaha CDR-HD1300.
      I bought mine in Dec 2004, so surprisingly only 20 years old! It's a great, unique piece of kit, and gave me hours of techie recording...
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