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Viewing thread Best Turntable for Q Acoustics 3030i

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    • G
      If you are anywhere near audition this: https://www.richersounds.com/roksan-k3-amp-anthracite-in-store-clearance/ I just got one at...
    • G
      As clean as a whistle, tracks anything, nice low surface noise - a great buy. Obviously other flavours of cartridge are available, but...
    • G
      Yeah that was always the Linn mantra, but only up to a point I'd say. My Axis was transformed when I changed out the budget fitted...
    • G
      Cartridge upgrade makes a hell of a difference. If you swap turntable and cartridge at the same time you are essentially changing two...
    • G
      good_enough replied to the thread Seperates.
      Direct source is not a disaster probably just means the balance knob is taken out of circuit and possibly the auto switch on the...
    • G
      good_enough replied to the thread Seperates.
      Why would you want that? Do you have a bit of old vinyl lying around?
    • G
      good_enough replied to the thread Seperates.
      Unfortunately speakers really are a matter of personal taste. Those seem to have reasonable reviews from back in the day. If you're...
    • G
      good_enough replied to the thread Seperates.
      Yup you've made the fatal error of posting on a HiFi forum don't expect to get away without a cable debate at some point!
    • G
      good_enough replied to the thread Seperates.
      Yes if those contacts are bridged you only need to connect one pair. Separating them by removing those bridge pieces allows 'bi-wiring'...
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    • G
      good_enough reacted to DAVE STAR's post in the thread Upgrades with Like Like.
      Thanks everyone for the advice, will let you know the outcome (y)
    • G
      good_enough reacted to DCarmi's post in the thread Upgrades with Like Like.
      ...and let us know how you got on and whether you purchased something or not.
    • G
      good_enough replied to the thread Upgrades.
      So Richers have listening rooms and with notice they'll set things up. For example I was buying some cans and said I had Roksan K3 CD...
      • 1726686423574.png
    • G
      good_enough replied to the thread Upgrades.
      Call ahead if you haven't done so and they'll line up what you ask to listen to.
    • G
      Sorry late to the party but have you eliminated signal path faults? Have you or a friend another amp with a phono stage that you can...
    • G
      good_enough replied to the thread Upgrades.
      Just remember it's easier to ask forgiveness than permission, and 'delayed gratification' is difficult to pronounce after a jar or two.
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