Your favourite passive attenuators?


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Mar 4, 2010
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I long been ana active pre-amp man and have enjoyed owning a Croft 25 which I paired with a Quad 909 and the combination really sang.

Going Active (speaker wise) I kept up stream the same, SBT, M-DAC and the Croft. but was curious to see how taking the Croft out affected the sound, to my surprise it didn't make a huge differnence given the same pre had a profound positive impact in my passive set up. A little tonal 'body' colouration was lost in favour of transparency.

This led me to trying the tiny and cheap as chips Tisbury in place and this was a marginal improvment over the M-DAC on volume duty and then the more expensive Icon Audio passive which was again another step up in performancre sounding a little more effortless.

I'm now pretty set on getting myself a permanenet passive solution and have become very interested in the LDR variations, a DIY favourite called the Lighspeed looks very interesting but I'd like a remote control which has led me to the one I think I'll go for from an American company called Tortuga, although this is a fair bit more expensive.

Another I've looked at is from Poland called Hattor and is a fancy version from the same makers of Khomzo. Eva2 is another LDR variation which does have a remote, Django which is more a DIY gets good reviews.

I think if you have the required spec in terms of input and output for a passive they offer terrific resolution and performance from very good pricepoints. I do still love what an active pre can bring but given I don't need the gain being all digital at the moment passives are for me. I used to have a pre-conception passives sapped dynamics, dynamics and drive as I have expeinced that but iyt is far from universal.

So what passies have you guys used, enjoyed, compared? Have you had great results or less inpsiring ones because I know passives can sound terrible when used in an inapropaie system.


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Aug 17, 2010
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I can really only comment on the two NVA passives I have heard the P50 and the P90SA. I am more than happy with my P50 but the P90 I recently borrowed brought a decent improvement in sound staging and imaging. NVA also do a P20 which comes in at £100. Well worth considering.

iQ Speakers

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Feb 24, 2013
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I have customers who have tried the Hattor and say its excellent. The chap that wrote a review of my amps for HiFIWigwam is in the process of reviewing passive pre's, he has tested the Khzomo and says its very good he has a Hattor on the way to him.

I also came across these guys who produce Light dependent volume Pre's pretty good value. There are also Autoformer pre's or TAP or Slagleformer all the same thing simular to the Music First but they are modules used by OEM's supplied by Bent Audio and tend to be cheaper. I had a chap demo and buy an amp from me he bought his Music First Pre £6.5K! Happy research.


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Mar 3, 2010
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Haven't yet found the need for any, but if I did, it's likely I'd solder-up my own. The amount of money you can spend on a pair of plugs and sockets linked with inline resistors (or similar) is a bit scary.


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