Your cartridge recommendations (up to around £120) for a Rega P2


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Jun 2, 2008
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Enjoying my new Rega P2, but the factory fitted Bias 2 cartridge was always intended to be a 'stop-gap' just to get things going straight out of the box for the first month or two. (And to have as a spare after an upgrade.)

I am looking into options like the Denon DL-110 or DL-160 (high output MC) or Audio-Technica AT440MLa (MM) or even a Nagaoka MP-150 (MM).

The two Denons look like front-runners right now based on reviews and cost.

Suggestions for other MM (or high output MC) cartridges - or experiences with the ones I listed above - welcome.

Obviously listening/demo'ing in advance will be impossible (my dealer only stocks Rega carts) so this upgrade will be something of 'an act of faith'.

I will be fitting and aligning this myself (dealer charges £40 for cartridge fitting) but I have some experience of this and I have the requisite Stevenson and Baerwald arc protractors for Rega turntables (222mm from arm pivot point to spindle) and I will get the Michell Engineering cartridge fitting kit.


the record spot

I'm a big fan of the AT (given as it's currently doing the duties on my P3) and think it could easily sit at twice the price. Not sure how the Denon's sound, but I understand some of their other cartridges have a smoother but detailed sound.

Worth doing some background checking but if you like pinpoint detail, excellent tracking and a fine overall sound, the AT will more than suffice. If you like something less upfront, maybe the Denons or Goldring ranges might do a better job - the 1012GX is another good one around £110.


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Upfront is OK. Musical is essential. A tad more depth and width than the Bias 2 would be nice.

Not bothered about "warm" or "smooth" or "silky" or any other mellow 'pipe & slippers' stuff.


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Sep 9, 2007
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Hello Chebby, my choice would be the Denon DL-110 I use this with my p2 and it's wonderful, I have used the Goldrings in the past and i am fond of the AT95E, the AT110E is not so good IMO but i use my Denon through the MC stage of my Cambridge 640p which seems to suit it better but I am not sure of the gain in your Rega phono but it will work through the MM stage. The Goldrings are great cartridges and suit the rega arms very well but the Denon's really are very nice and the price of the Goldrings are a bit high now for what they are. For £70.00 i don't think you will be disappointed.


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gregory:...i use my Denon through the MC stage of my Cambridge 640p which seems to suit it better but I am not sure of the gain in your Rega phono but it will work through the MM stage.

You bring up a good point there Gregory. Rega's website claim the output from the Bias 2 is 6.8 - 7.2 mV. The Denon Dl-110 is only 1.6 mV and the Audio-Technica AT440MLa output is 4.0 mV.

I had no intention of changing my Fono-Mini for now. (I have heard it with my Bias and an Elys 2 and a friend's Denon DL-103R with AU-300LC step-up transformer and it sounds great with all three.)

I guess this could be a problem.


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The Denon measures a bit more than the figures specified, close on 2.0 mV which i feel is still quite low but enough for an mm stage and no you should not change your phono amp, it's a cracker. I was tempted by the DL- 103R myself and for the extra £ 30.00 is not much outlay but the gain in the Cambridge or loading is not ideal so i went with the 110 and I'm glad i did but if you go with the 103 then as you know you will need the step up transformer. I am going through some changes at present, thinking of a new amp and speakers but funds are tight right now so they will have to wait but in my modest system the p2 and Denon combination is very sweet. I hope you come to the right decision, I'm sure you will and keep us informed of your choice. All the best, Gregory.


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Typical isn't it? But just today (7 days since I got the P2 up and running) I noticed my Bias 2 cartridge is starting to sing it's little heart out!

Either it had some weird awareness of this thread, talking about it's impending replacement, or all that 'guff' about cartridges having a running-in period was actually true.

Flumfy bass has started biting, getting attitude and character and snap. All that monotonous 'tsh tsh sshhh' treble has started sprouting little bells and triangles and brush strokes and 'eeeks' and other stuff that was not discernable a week ago. Worrisome harshness on some old 1950s rock n roll tracks has either revealed itself to be part of the recording or just gone away.

I am beginning to get quite fond of it.


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