Young blonde bimbo with large front speakers needs help!


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Sorry gents need some help but haven't had much joy, thought with the little white lie of subject title i'd get more intrest!!!!

Which combo would be best from the below or does anyone have any suggestions?

Amp either a yamaha or Onkyo sr607 or Denon 1910

Speakers MT30'S, KEF 2005 or MA radius????????????????

Eventually i'd also like to add a pair of tall front stereo speakers for music.

Help much appreciated.
You've got a lot of front, young lady.

Personally, if you want to add bigger speakers for music later on, I'd go for traditional speakers now, will be much easier to integrate with floorstanders later. Q Acoustics 2000 series would be the best starting place I think - you could then add their floorstanders at a later date if you wished, though you might find their 5.1 pack (with standmounts at the front) would be perfectly adequate for some time to come.
Hello Mee1978,

I agree with JD here, and this website will show you exactly what he is saying:

Then click on the "all our hotdeals" link, click on "home cinema", the click on "Q Acoustics 2000 cinema", then click on a package you fancy,

You can then see how you can upgrade later.

Hope this helps.



Edited for clarity - MODS
EDITED BY MODS as referenced post edited for clarity

I think:

1) Decide what your overall budget is and what parts (amps, speakers, cables, etc.) you need from that now. And what your objectives and limits are - e.g. style or floor stander speakers. Can you defer some of it to buy later?

2) Read up on what What HiFi and others say. Talk to a few good HiFi shops. But don't believe it all.

3) Listen to some kit for yourself - i.e. demos - the more the better - and decide what YOU like, not what the suppliers want to sell you. Take discs you know/like with you to test play.

4) If you can, take your time. Prices are generally falling and quality rising. More time means better knowledge and your views on what kit you like will develop.

In my experience, what magazines and suppliers tell you is n't always what your ears and eyes will tell you. It's a subjective choice and sometimes suppliers are biased to their kit and their experience. Personally I don't like the smaller speakers (like the MT30s, etc.) - I find them limited - poor middle and bass response. But it all depends on what YOU need and like. Perhaps spend more on one good component now (e.g. speakers) and get a good amp later? (Amps develop/improve faster than speakers do.)

Cheers, IanBJ
Gel's post edited to clarify fact he/she was quoting from linked site, IanBJ's edited to remove accusation in light of this, lots of squabbling deleted as life's too short.
Andrew Everard:Gel's post edited to clarify fact he/she was quoting from linked site, IanBJ's edited to remove accusation in light of this, lots of squabbling deleted as life's too short.

I don't quite understand what happened here?


Seems to me you broke the house rules on quoting from another site - IanBJ then quoted your quote so AE removed them both then added an explanation.


Cofnchtr:Hi, Seems to me you broke the house rules on quoting from another site - IanBJ then quoted your quote so AE removed them both then added an explanation. Simples. Cofnchtr.

What by saying click on this and click on that?



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