Yamaha now has five feet. WDYT?


New member
Jan 7, 2009

The new range of Yamaha's av receivers has 5 feet.

In my opinion - one too many, useless, nothing but a marketing trick. What do you think about it?
If I was building a component and it was sagging in the middle then id do something about it

My Arcam has a foot in the center as its definitely not what id describe as 'light'. Without it, it would probably sag with time

Not sure what your getting at though. Why would putting a foot in the middle be classed as a marketing trick??
Agree with alienrik - could be a way of avoiding extensive, and expensive, chassis stiffening to take the weight of transforners, etc, and will also help damp out some resonances possible in a chassis only suspended from the corners.
But doesn't God decree "though shalt have three feet on your kit" ? two at the front, one at centre rear..

Of course by God i mean his human incarnation on earth...Russ Andrews
No, neither. But well done in subverting a thread re feet on Yamaha amps to mock one of the audio targets of the lazy...
I understand the structural argument. I am also open to an explanation of the resonance or any other argument. But I am skeptical here as I think if it is there purely to optimise the chassis (e.g. make it lighter/cheaper/smaller/stiffer etc) why not just just say so. if it is to damp resonance (which resonance? between what and what? does it matter and how much? does it have to be damped?) why not just put a structural rib or damping material inside the the case? if the case vibrates and resonates from external sound, just fix it properly or for a diy solution stick a bit of bluetack on it...

there is no specific info from Yamaha on what the foot actually does. instead, in their promotioanal email it is a headline feature (from good sound to great sound, audible improvement in sound quality) and there is a lot of words implying that this foot is very useful for sound quality.

How? no word on that.

how does this foot improve sound. in specific terms?

if there is no proper explanation or measurable effect on sound quality, it's a marketing trick.
I understand the structural argument. I am also open to an explanation of the resonance or any other argument. But I am skeptical here as I think if it is there purely to optimise the chassis (e.g. make it lighter/cheaper/smaller/stiffer etc) why not just just say so. if it is to damp resonance (which resonance? between what and what? does it matter and how much? does it have to be damped?) why not just put a structural rib or damping material inside the the case? if the case vibrates and resonates from external sound, just fix it properly or for a diy solution stick a bit of bluetack on it...

there is no specific info from Yamaha on what the foot actually does. instead, in their promotioanal email it is a headline feature (from good sound to great sound, audible improvement in sound quality) and there is a lot of words implying that this foot is very useful for sound quality.

How? no word on that.

how does this foot improve sound. in specific terms?

if there is no proper explanation or measurable effect on sound quality, it's a marketing trick.

If youd stated that to begin with then we'd have had a clue why you posted

My personal opinion is that they wouldnt start talking utter rubbish at this stage just to sell a few more but alienate their main customers.
AlmaataKZ:there is no specific info from Yamaha on what the foot actually does. instead, in their promotioanal email it is a headline feature (from good sound to great sound, audible improvement in sound quality) and there is a lot of words implying that this foot is very useful for sound quality.

How? no word on that.

how does this foot improve sound. in specific terms?

if there is no proper explanation or measurable effect on sound quality, it's a marketing trick.

Yes, of course you're right - the whole of hi-fi and and home cinema is a con. Well done for exposing that one.

Now go away and enjoy your model railway, take up fishing or something...


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