Yamaha A-S500 with Monitor BX2


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Aug 10, 2019
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This seems to be a popular setup as I scan through the forums and was thinking of the same setp for myself. I am a first time buyer and have a budget of £500. A good choice? Thanks!
IMO the NAD C326 or Marantz PM6003 will work better with the BX2 speakers. The Yamaha can sound very harsh with the wrong speakers.
Or try Q Acoustics which are not as bright as the Monitor Audio speakers.

Make sure you audition, particularly the speakers.
Now Id tested some more tracks with my yama-bx2 setup, and it sound to bright (damped controlls helped a little bit), but its not impossible that it could be my source. If the razor where gone it would sound perfect, Im very splitted if I wanna change it to pm6003. Was also a little suprised about the weak punch but its not any floorstanders so it wont just shake but its still strong enought to fill a big room with almost always correct bass information in instruments etc. I can pumping a-s500 at maximum bass 90cm from me and hear myself speak still make that very dynamic sound. The yamaha can weightend instruments and there is some serious detail, seperation and dynamic, little dropped and little more sharpened at maximum volyme. I doubt the bx2 when its burned-in can deal with the brightness. But it do sound very nice in movie soundtracks, for now at least.
Gonna change it to pm6003, gonna save some money first. bx2 and yamaha a-s500 is a big no, at first it was hyper detailed but extreme harsh, with treble and loudness down, a bit of the amount details reduced but did got more relaxed instead and better it was no miss there and the harsh reduces a little still to much except in movies maybe. Now i dont know how cd6003 behaves but I wonder how whathifi says bx2 make yamaha shine.
As well as the 6003, try the Rotel RA04se. Both of these will work better with the BX2's. I wouldn't say the BX2's are a particularly bright speaker, it's just that they're quite neutral and not designed to be overpowering in the bass. If you want more bass I'd suggest looking at some equivalent Wharfedales, but the detail level won't be the same.
In my expirience, (I have A-s500 + BX-2) they are great match. There is no harshnes, only great detail. Be sure to audition well recorded material. These speakers has great resolution so bad recordings sounds worst, good recordings sounds great. But if you a fan of dark sound, yamaha a-s500 is not for you.

I like my sound detailed, a little more on a bright side, with good amount of bass, and that is exactly what yamaha A-s500 delivers trought BX-2.
The marantz pm6004 is a better choice then the yamaha a-s500, had both and the marantz sounds less harsh but I would go for the new Harman kardon hk3770 which got digital ins and subwoofer out.
Yamaha has also got sub woofer out. Its Not Bright as others are making out, with right partner it sounds great. try to audition it with various speakers you will get a match.
It's impossible that harsh system get 5 stars rating at what hi-fi. And ''What Hi-Fi'' tested yamaha A-S500 right trought BX-2.

I dont find A-S500 harsh even with treble set to max. However it is possible that some people has different sensation (perception) of a sound, because we don't have same ears.
Yam as 500 in direct comparison with pm 6004 shows more dry, although more diffuse and detailed high frequencies, similar bass punch, but more fatiguing listening overall, for me. I tested this AS 500 for a week at home , but then I changed with Marantz PM 6004 .Yam AS 500 is a very complete amp, but doesn't meet my preferences for a warm sound with my B&W; is a beautifull vintage looking amp, with a lot of features, but no good vol and tone knobs and a delicate front plate for fingerprints when you touch ...Yam as 500 has loudness too and in direct comparison with pm 6004 shows more dry, although more diffuse and detailed high frequencies, similar bass punch, but more fatiguing listening overall, for me. Marantz drives my old B&W 603, like 684, and a ASW 610 sub linked at spkB - highlevel - my room= 30 mq and 90 mc with ease. Just a few thoughts . bye


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