Yamaha A-S500 amplifier


New member
Aug 10, 2019

First post! I have been happy with my system and haven't picked up a copy of WHF (or the 'other one') for best part of a decade. That's until my Arcam Alpha 8 amp died following a power surge. My system was Arcam Alpha 7SE cd player, the Alpha 8 amp, Rega Planar 2 turn table, Denon TU1800DAB tuner and B&W 601 S2 speakers with Carnival silver screen cables. I loved the rounded sound of the Arcam components.

Like I said, the amp stopped working 4 weeks ago following a power cut. When the power came back, it was dead as a dodo. I did the obvious change of fuse - but nothing. My family and I all enjoy our music, so I moved a bedroom Denon M35DAB into the main listening room to tide us over. It's fine for what it is...but ( for obvious reasons) falls behind the above system. I emailed Arcam regarding repairing the amp 3 weeks ago...and still havent heard anything apart from a holding email! I must admit, I wouldnt be overly keen to spend (what I imagine would be) a reasonable amount of money repairing a 12 year old component. So, I headed down to Richer Sounds, told them the problem and walked out with a Yamaha A-S500. I have used the new amp in the above system for about 24 hours music playtime and I have to say it is not easy to live with. When I enjoy it - I enjoy it more than the Alpha 8, if that makes sense. By that I mean, it can sound incredibly clear and balanced with some recordings (Paloma Faith springs to mind), yet with other recordings (which sounded rounded via the Arcam) it sounds harsh (examples are Neil Young remastered 'After the gold rush' & Dinosaur Jnr). To the point where I want to turn it down...or put another disc in the player. Not good. And the Rega Planar used to sound superb through he Arcam. It sounds crap through the Yamaha! I know that could be fixed with a phono stage, but its all money.

I don't really want to spend more than £350. So, after that blether...my question is/are:

Do I replace the Alpha 8 and get my money back on the Yamaha? (RS have confirmed that they will do this if I'm not happy)

Do I buy another new amp? If so...which one?! I've read some mixed reviews of the Marantz PM6003. Does it provide the warmer rounded sound I am after?

Any help would be appreciated.


I think you should get your money back for the Yamaha. It seems to me that you can't live with it.

Then see if you can get a home demo of the Marantz PM6003, and if that's not your thing either, you should go for an Arcam amp again
hello, just out of curiousity when you said you changed the fuse does that include the internal fuses inside the arcam. i had a similar problem with a rotel ra 971 a power outage blew the internal fuses
Hi nosqey - no, I didn't change the internal ones, only the one in the plug. Is it easy to do??
I also heard the A-S500 for an hour or so. I really don't know what to say about this amplifier. It sounds really clear and detailed but it's not as musical as a Marantz PM6003. It can harden up the sound at times and become rather harsh. The PM6003 is much smoother and more refined. Also the PM6003 has only 45 watts but sounds just as powerful as the A-S500.

Before buying you should definitely audition the A-S500 because it can sound cold and clinical and not everyone likes that.

Just my 2 cents.
Graeme P:Hi nosqey - no, I didn't change the internal ones, only the one in the plug. Is it easy to do??

I'm a big proponent of fixing stuff rather than just throwing it out, especially since you're still very fond of the amp. Replacing the internal fuses is pretty easy in most amps. I don't know your particular model, but from what I see on internet pics, there's a fuse right behind the power button. All you need to do is take it from its clamps, take it to a parts shop and ask for a replacement. They're usually standard stuff. If you don't feel confident opening up your amp, then don't, and get a quote from place that does hifi repairs. If it's a fuse they should be able to tell you in no time.

Hope this helps,

Id send the yamaha back and get the Arcam fixed. With the money you'd save, buy an Arcam Alpha 8P or 9P power amp.

I had the exact same system as yourself and the addition of the power amp made a massive difference and really brought the B&Ws to life.
usually there's one or more fuses inside the amp it's not hard to do,there usually glass so you can tell wether they've blown or not because the wire running along the center of the fuse will have snapped and the replace ment you need for the amp will normally be printed on the circuit board or it'll say on the fuse obviously while doing this don't have your amp plugged in
also do a bit of research on the net. i got a pack of ten fuses from ebay for under £2.00
Thanks guys - that is v useful. I will have a go with the internal fuses and let you know how I get on.
Much to my partner's bemusement, I have just tried the little Mission speakers that accompany my Denon mini with the Arcam/Yamaha setup and there the harshness is reduced.
Graeme P:Much to my partner's bemusement, I have just tried the little Mission speakers that accompany my Denon mini with the Arcam/Yamaha setup and there the harshness is reduced.

Does that mean the possible new purchase is off? Regarding differences, have you had chance yet to listen to both at different or same (ideally) dealer to assess any differences for yourself?
Dave - No, I'm still not happy with the sound, but interestingly the B&W 601's were adding to the problem. They presumably work well with an all Arcam set up?

I haven't had the chance to listen to either the Yamaha in the dealers as it wasnt yet on display. I bought form Richer Sounds who do a lot of things well, but providing quiet listening rooms is not one of them. I did listen to the Marantz against a £300 Cambridge Audio, but couldnt hear much over the 50" plasma blasting in the background. They have advised me that I can have my money back or try the Marantz at home and get a refund/exchange if I still dont like it.

I'm going to try and fix the Arcam and then take it from there.
I've just taken the lid off the Alpha and as you rightly say, there is a fuse behind the on/off switch. It was a T1.25A/250V glass fuse that had clearly blown as it was smoked inside. Just as I was scouring ebay for a replacement fuse, I noticed a spare fuse in the amp. I'm pretty sure that it had no function - it was housed in a plastic clip. Do Arcam expect these kind of issues??

Anyway, I tried the spare fuse and the amp is back from the dead! I am looking forward to a w/e of Arcam generated music!

I just hope RS don't go back on their pledge..

Thanks again - you have saved me some serious wedge.
Graeme P:
I've just taken the lid off the Alpha and as you rightly say, there is a fuse behind the on/off switch. It was a T1.25A/250V glass fuse that had clearly blown as it was smoked inside. Just as I was scouring ebay for a replacement fuse, I noticed a spare fuse in the amp. I'm pretty sure that it had no function - it was housed in a plastic clip. Do Arcam expect these kind of issues??

Anyway, I tried the spare fuse and the amp is back from the dead! I am looking forward to a w/e of Arcam generated music!

I just hope RS don't go back on their pledge..

Thanks again - you have saved me some serious wedge.

Good to hear. You should look into that power amp then
. That'll give you the Arcam warmth that you like with more clarity and punch! Should get one for around £100-£130.
Graeme P:

Anyway, I tried the spare fuse and the amp is back from the dead! I am looking forward to a w/e of Arcam generated music!

Good for you! Enjoy your system and do ignore all the well meant upgrade advice. It might come at a cost and many people here would probably be chuffed to bits if they reached your degree of happiness with your kit.

Re the further upgrades posts....I didn't end up with my current set-up without getting the hifi bug. Although thankfully for my wallet (and subsequent kids), it has remained latent!

I will bid on Alpha power amps and see what comes up. There seems to be an endless supply on ebay!

One afterthought - I am aware that (given its recent WHF accolade) this thread will be read by a lot of prospective A-S500 buyers. And I have to say - personally I couldn't live with the amp long term. BUT I will miss it. It was too revealing for a lot of the kinds of music I listen to (I've never turned off the The Clash before for aural reasons)...but when it excited, it really did excite. It is, IMO (and music/hifi is obviously highly subjective) a great amp if you listen to modern rock/pop/dance recordings and should be on your audition list if that's your musical bag.
Graeme P:
Re the further upgrades posts....I didn't end up with my current set-up without getting the hifi bug. Although thankfully for my wallet (and subsequent kids), it has remained latent!

I will bid on Alpha power amps and see what comes up. There seems to be an endless supply on ebay!

One afterthought - I am aware that (given its recent WHF accolade) this thread will be read by a lot of prospective A-S500 buyers. And I have to say - personally I couldn't live with the amp long term. BUT I will miss it. It was too revealing for a lot of the kinds of music I listen to (I've never turned off the The Clash before for aural reasons)...but when it excited, it really did excite. It is, IMO (and music/hifi is obviously highly subjective) a great amp if you listen to modern rock/pop/dance recordings and should be on your audition list if that's your musical bag.

If you get a power amp let us know how you get on with it. Itd be interesting to see if you get as much improvement as I did.

Good luck.


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