

New member
Aug 10, 2019
Welli just realised i love bass and so i have a few questions before i purchase a subwoofer! Ok my set up is in my sig, do i need a more powerful or different amp to allow me to power a sub?

My friend also owns a car modding business and has offered me a blaupunkt vw300 sub for free, i was wondering if this was a good sub or if anyone would suggest a good sub for me to buy?
Hi Manchesto,

There was a guy on the forum a couple of days ago saying that his amp no longer worked properly after he had used it to briefly "test" a car sub. So my advice would be... don't. Even if it doesn't break your amp, it will definitely sound rubbish.

I'm not familiar with your amp, so I don't know if it has a pre-amp out? If not, you'd need a sub which has speaker level inputs.

Just for reference, I used to run a sub (Epos ELS) from a Marantz PM6002 (40 WPC, from memory). It sounded fine. However, when I upgraded to a Roksan Kandy (100 watts plus I think?) the difference was plain - not in the volume produced, as the sub is active so has its own amplification, but in the control. The more powerful amp had a much tighter grip on the low frequencies.
so i just buy a sub and wire it like i did my speakers? sounds good to me
Some subs accept a speaker level input, so yes, you just wire them in by running a second set of speaker cable from your amp. Other subs accept a line level input, so are connected via a phono cable from the pre-out or sub-out on your amp (if you have one). Some subs cater for both eventualities. Opinion vary on which is better.

Subs are relatively expensive compared to speakers, and budget subs are liable to sound a bit rubbish. For a 2.1 hi fi system, you want something which is fast and tight, otherwise the lower end of your music will sound leaden. I can recommend the Epos M sub, which I currently own. Epos have a couple of ex-demo models on sale on their website (it's now discontinued).
i think it might be a little too expensive for me, i was looking on here and the wharfedale diamond sw150 is highly rated and also i have found it for around £180 quid, anyone got any experience of this sub or any others around the 200 pound mark
hmmm... i didnt want to get floor standers because i live in the attic both at home and at university and so the roof comes down on the speakers also my bookshelf speakers are easier to move from place to place. I also live with 12 people at my house at uni and so it would be important to me to have the option to control when i have the bass from a sub playing as not to annoy my flatmates. thanks for the idea though..
i thought about that but i live in the attic at home and uni so the cieling isnt high enough at the edges of the room. also i will take them back and forth wherever i stay and floor standers are harder to move. living with 12 people also makes me want to have the option to turn the bass on or off thanks for the idea anyway
Mo cheaper

Mo better

Mo bass

Pman did you go for the 200? how does it sound to you as i know we have very similar set ups. did you test any others before that buy?
Hi Manchesto,

I don't have the 200 yet, but as soon as I can afford it I'll be ordering one.

I have done a massive amount of reading about subwoofers, and am confident that for the money BK subs are the best. I chose the 200 as it's small yet powerful, and the driver is far more heavy duty than the Gemini.
well i have stayed up until 4.30 reading the last 30 pages of sub related posts, most reccomendations for around 250quid are the BK xls200, i also seem to get the impression that that sub is about the right price for our speakers/amp/stands (identical but i have the 326bee 😛 )saying that basshounds buy sounds great as i think he got a £650 quid sub for 250 but i take it that offer ran out?

does anyone have any other ideas.
well i have stayed up until 4.30 reading the last 30 pages of sub related posts, most reccomendations for around 250quid are the BK xls200, i also seem to get the impression that that sub is about the right price for our speakers/amp/stands (identical but i have the 326bee 😛 )saying that basshounds buy sounds great as i think he got a £650 quid sub for 250 but i take it that offer ran out?

does anyone have any other ideas.

And it can double as a coffee table for you and your 12 roomies!
i really liked that idea, but no one drinks coffee... =[ haha
If I were you I would order the XLS200 with the knowledge that it is the best for the money, and then post some videos of it pumping out some tracks on Youtube to fulfill my desire until this world gives me some money to buy my own...
yeah im just about to, does it come with all the leads and stuff i will need? i see the "free" stuff it comes with but will i need other leads?

also what are the differences between downward and forward firing subs?
There is no difference at all in sound. (Low bass isn't directional).

I am going to get the DF eventually, because I think it looks neater and people won't be able to kick the driver should I have a party!!

Yes you'll need the free lead (if I remember correctly this is the one we would use to connect our amps from he pre-outs).

I want black gloss - the waiting list for this colour are by far the longest due to the amount of time it spends in the paint shop.
well i have my card at the ready, after reading peoples feedback on other forums saying it is worth about double the money for sound quality... how do you find out how long you have to wait? im going for black

gloss or not gloss, its also more expensive isnt it hah =s
one last question and its a noob one... mono or stereo rca interconnect?
XLS200 comes with free cable bundle doesn't it? In which case connect it to your amp using the high level inputs instead of the low level will intergrate better with your speakers for stereo use and will prob sound better
ah right cheers so thats the 'high level leads'? so all i need is the power and those to get my bass addiction satisfied?
Manchesto:ah right cheers so thats the 'high level leads'? so all i need is the power and those to get my bass addiction satisfied?

Yep,follow the connection instructions carefully and soon after a bit of knob twiddling (ooo eeer) you will be in bass heaven.Good luck with it!
thanks for your help everyone, went for the DF in black... should be with me in 11 days apparently 😀

ps. good luck getting the money pman


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