Hello folks. I have been out and auditioned some set ups this week and have decided to build the system around my choice of speakers (q acoustics 2050i). I listened to these speakers with various set ups. I am going out next week to audition them with the pioneer A50 and the PD30 CD player. I listened to this combo with other speakers and loved it for the money and the fact that I will be able to add the N30 or N50 network player at a later date.
My question is will the A50 be powerful enough to power the Q acoustics? If not what are your opinions as an alternative in the same price range. I need to get a matching CD player as my other half isn't keen on mixing and matching brands as it doesn't look as good :-/
My question is will the A50 be powerful enough to power the Q acoustics? If not what are your opinions as an alternative in the same price range. I need to get a matching CD player as my other half isn't keen on mixing and matching brands as it doesn't look as good :-/