Who wants a challenge?


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Right, the following is what I now have to deal with as I am my dad's "Comms and Audio Visual Manager" Honestly........Don't ask (basically, when he can't get his BlackBerry to work, guess who gets a call) ???!!!

They purchased the TV cabinet today (it is actually very nice). Dad has requested that I shoehorn the largest tv in the cabinet possible. I measured the front appature. He has also requested that we find a DVD blu ray player. The DVD player should also play CD's and have either 3.1 stereo or a neat 5.1. on this front i was thinking either Sony amp and seperate speakers or the Sony IS 100 All this has to be completed before Christmas '09 as we'll be spending Christmas there and i don't fancy it without a tv !!

This is the tricky bit !! Dimentions are: [tv cabinet] in cm H 51.4 x W 88 (Diag 99). In inches, H20" 1/4 x W 34" 1/2 Diag 39". If needed we can remove the base of any tv and make up a stand using the rear wall brackets and wedge the tv in the cabinet...Duck Tape is awesome stuff.

Video box under slung Height 12cm x Width 49cm. BDP S360 will fit in here nicely and as i already have on myself, i know its good, but open to suggestions

Budget is around £750 for the TV and sound system. I'm gonna have to edumacate him on costs I think, but can probably take this to about £900.

So, how's about it people, can we all have a mass measure off on our 32" tv's !?!?

32in TV Supertest - complete with full dimensions for each set - in our forthcoming issue; with subscribers from this Friday; in shops next Wednesday (16th)
Oooooo can't wait. I really should subscribe to your mag, the amount i've been referencing it and have purchased items having read your reviews.

Always helpful, always informative

Right, the following is what I now have to deal with as I am my dad's "Comms and Audio Visual Manager" Honestly........Don't ask (basically, when he can't get his BlackBerry to work, guess who gets a call) ???!!!

They purchased the TV cabinet today (it is actually very nice). Dad has requested that I shoehorn the largest tv in the cabinet possible. I measured the front appature. He has also requested that we find a DVD blu ray player. The DVD player should also play CD's and have either 3.1 stereo or a neat 5.1. on this front i was thinking either Sony amp and seperate speakers or the Sony IS 100 All this has to be completed before Christmas '09 as we'll be spending Christmas there and i don't fancy it without a tv !!

This is the tricky bit !! Dimentions are: [tv cabinet] in cm H 51.4 x W 88 (Diag 99). In inches, H20" 1/4 x W 34" 1/2 Diag 39". If needed we can remove the base of any tv and make up a stand using the rear wall brackets and wedge the tv in the cabinet...Duck Tape is awesome stuff.

Video box under slung Height 12cm x Width 49cm. BDP S360 will fit in here nicely and as i already have on myself, i know its good, but open to suggestions

Budget is around £750 for the TV and sound system. I'm gonna have to edumacate him on costs I think, but can probably take this to about £900.

So, how's about it people, can we all have a mass measure off on our 32" tv's !?!?


Panasonic SC-BT200 for circa £499
http://www.richersounds.com/product/lcd-tv/panasonic/txl32x10/pana-txl32x10b for £420

or for a bit more £489

Oooooo can't wait. I really should subscribe to your mag, the amount i've been referencing it and have purchased items having read your reviews.

Always helpful, always informative


Why thank you. There's a Blu-ray systems test in that next issue, too.

And if you want to subscribe, we've some great deals on at the moment - such as a free, five-star HDMI cable (keep for yourself or give to your pa!). More info on this discussion thread


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