which speakers best suited to cyrus 8xdQx


New member
Mar 14, 2010
I just bought (well put a deposit and ordered a 8xpdQx cyrus) today.I am going to be hooking it up to my focal speakers for now but will probably want to upgrade it soon as now the amp is 3 times more expansive than speaker so wont bet the best out of the amp thru the cheaper speakers.Where do i start, considering it s a modest 70WPC which speakers will complement each another.I am more likely to place the speakers near wall so something that works well near walls is a plus but also as far as standmount vs floorstanders m open to sugggestions.So far short list are spendor sa1/a5/a6 and some atc butr afraid that amp may not extrtact the most out of them...

I listen tol pretty much eveything except country/jazz and blues...
Id say also Proac, dynaudio, sonus faber, audiovector and some focal speakers. Check out cyrusunofficial forum, it is made for people who own cyrus kit (obviously 🙂
i think you're heading in the right direction with spendor and atc, they should go pretty near a wall without too many issues.
There's no formula as to what the cost of the amp in relation to the speaker should be, it's all down to whether the amp is doing a good enough job for the speakers. I'd rather have an overpriced amplifier for a particular pair of speakers than similarly priced or underpriced one.

The 8xpd is more powerful than it's predecessor (even though they're similar on paper), and will drive some awkward speakers very well. It can get a little hot when driving the likes of the SCM11's quite hard for an hour, but if that's not your thing, you've pretty much got free choice of speakers to use. The ATC range work very well close to a wall due to being sealed cabinets, and even though the Spendor A range are rear ported (slot port, not tube) they too work well. The SA1's are a sealed cabinet too.

Any of these speakers will allow you to add a power amp at a later stage to improve quality (and power, if needed) and allow you to appreciate that difference.
Wilson Benesch Square Ones sound good with Cyrus electronics. They are not the biggest bass but mid-range is wonderful. They can be placed literally inches from the wall - in fact some people say they sound better that way. They are pricy but there are some bargains ex-dem and s/h if your budget doesn't stretch that far.
thanks everybody for that wealth of info regarding the speaker choice but also for the advice on amps on previous blog.....will definately auditioned the spendor sa and a range but also the wilson benesch..


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