which is the better lcd - the panasonic tx 32lzd80 or the tx32lzd85?

The 85 is the higher-spec, but they're both excellent sets - main advantage of the 85 is superior sound, if that matters to you (ie you don't intend to add a separate audio system).
The LZD800, which is the top of the range model, has the better sound. The LZD80 and LZD85 have the same sound system, the only difference between these two models is the 100Hz processing.
Well the '800 has better sound still, but the 85 has the V Audio sound that the 80 doesn't. It also offers IFC processing with 24fps sources, which the 80 doesn't (no great loss, though!)

Here's a direct comparison of the features of the 80 and 85 models.
Indeed, the LZD85 has the 'marmite' love it/hate it 24p Film setting with Blu-ray as part of the 100Hz processing, but the sound is definitely the same. The Panasonic website you linked to is not quite accurate on this one. But anyways, the important point is that the sound is very good for a flat screen.


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