Which gives better audio 24/192 FLAC or DSD 5.6


Well-known member
Jul 14, 2024
I have read so many opinions on this one so its probably a matter of personal preference but which has the better audio quality especially relating to classical music. Thanks
The only way to know for sure is to blind test it for yourself,.

But given most people can't even distinguish between lossy and losslessly encoded tracks under blind conditions, the chances of being able to perceive a difference between "hi res" formats is going to be remote to non-existant...
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I would agree to a point. I have a couple of piano pieces recorded in six format levels including DSD and, although technically DSD should be better and is the standard format for many producers it is pretty much indistinguishable aurally over and above any hi res FLAC formats.
Perhaps if I had a super expensive DAC I might state otherwise but I doubt it.
Try downloading a series of free test recordings from Blue Coast Music and see for yourself.


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