which cartridge is this please?


New member
Aug 10, 2019

I've never seen one of these brushes before

Hard to tell the front looks almost like an Audio Technica but then without the red square on the angled front/top it looks almost like a Goldring Elektra with something stuck on it. What are the characters on the side?
It looks like a Linn K18, which I think was made by Audio Technica.
Yup, K18. The stylus is held into the main part of the cartridge with a small allen bolt for additional rigidity. From memory it was about £120 when it was new, which would have been around 1990-4ish.

TBH, the stylus assembly is probably past its best now even if the stylus is ok, and replacements won't be easy to find.
Price was closer to £250. They do come up on ebay (one there now). As has been said, it was an AT cartridge suitably tweaked by Linn.


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