which blu ray player


New member
Aug 10, 2019
hi, just wondered if any one could give me any advice on a blu ray player. i am wondering which player is the best for picture and sound quaility as i have a sony 46"w4500 and want the best clearest pic possible. i have been looking at the panasonic bd 55 and the pioneer lx 71. how much better is the pioneers picture and is the bd 55 much better than the bd 50. also how much better would each be, to say a budget player like the pana bd 30? any help would be great. edging towards the pioneer but the 55 has a better overall spec, so is the pioneer worth it for the pic?

cheers jon
Hi jonny1_2005 I have the Sony bdps350 blu-ray and Sony 40W4500 and the picture quality from the blu-ray player is great and for the price of the sony 350 it's great value.
cheers for that. do you notice any picture nosie or interferance when watching blu rays. noticed on my mates thats all, who has the sony and the pana bd30 that on some blu rays and only in certain scenes there is like black dots, looks like noise, on the picture but only occurs on certain scenes so thought that it was the quaility of the blu ray but its noticable on most films. so thats why i was wondering if the more expensive players would give a better picture without any trace of noise.
jonny1_2005:do you notice any picture nosie or interferance when watching blu rays. noticed on my mates thats all, who has the sony and the pana bd30 that on some blu rays and only in certain scenes there is like black dots, looks like noise, on the picture but only occurs on certain scenes so thought that it was the quaility of the blu ray but its noticable on most films. so thats why i was wondering if the more expensive players would give a better picture without any trace of noise.What you're seeing is grain due to film stock rather than anything to do with bad mastering or format transfer. Many films show grain, and is also common during night time or dark sequences depending on how it's originally filmed. This can be 'smoothed' over with noise reduction techniques, but tends to remove fine detail from the picture.
yeah that what it sounds like, and it appers mainly in darker scenes. is there anything you can do for it to not show up as much, will buying a better blu ray player with a better pic quality make things any better as this is an annoying factor when you spend so much on blu rays etc and the pic quality is brill apart from this film grain and it makes the pic quality not seem as good as it should be.
You can use your screen's digital filtering to clean up the picture, but again, you'll lose detail, and if you clean it up to the point of not being noticeable, then naturally clean looking scenes will look way too smoothed over. It's best to leave it as it is and sit far enough away to see it less 🙂
yeah i see what you mean, so you dont think that buying a more expensive blu ray player will help?
Not with grain that's inherent in the film itself. It's possible that one Bluray player MAY be less noisy (if only by a tiny margin) than another and help, but the majority of the grain won't be able to be avoided.
does anyone have any thoughts then on whcih blu ray to get. is the pioneer worht the money and how does it compare to the pana 55? is this also the best pana and how much better are they than a budget pana bd 30?


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