You'd only need to beware of bright-sounding electronics if your speakers tend to be very crisp and attacking in the upper frequencies. If you've got speakers that are very confident in the treble, partnering them with an equally 'bright' amplifier can compound this trait and leave you with high frequencies that can be too forward, thin or splashy.
The Pioneer A-A6 amplifier is a good example of a bright-ish amplifier. It's a great product (5 stars in March this year) but it's absolutely as forthright in the treble as it wants to be. We'd suggest that the matching PD-D6-J CD player (also 5 stars) isn't the greatest partner for the amp, as there's a ramping up of the high frequencies until they become a trifle wearying. If these two were allied to speakers that shared a similar voice, you could end up with the sonic equivalent of a cheesegrater.
If you've found a component you're keen on, whether electronics or speakers, try to use it to audition potential partners. Suddenly, you're system-matching.ÿ