Thanks for all your thoughts guys.
I am aiming for the best I can in terms of listening, and for that I want to stick to cd (for now).
For ease of use, I have an ipod classic to plug in. Don't listen to much radio outside of the car, but Spotify I think is great so that is an area I will look into.
My reasons for posting were really to see where I could spend my money to improve the system, and also how much I would need to spend. In regard to a DAC for the blu ray, that is a possibility, although I will want to eventually go 5.1, so I will probably get a decent surround amp to take care of film duties.
For hi fi, it seems the next logical step would be an 8000P (or two 8000M?), but all benefits considered, would it offer more value to save for a Naim set-up, which I consider to sound very good.
Finally a quick point about cables, now have a Mark Grant interconnect, Chord speaker cable, I also recently added a mains cable to the CDP (Wattgate IEC and Clipsal plug), not totally convinced it made a huge difference, but could get one for the amp, these are all run through a Tacima cs929, I guess I need to play around with cables to see what I like. It seems crazy I could blow the price of a 8000P on a cable!!