When could we expect YAMAHA CD-N500 test ?

My guess is never.

I generally assume that if they don't review kit relatively soon after it is released, they will never review it at all.
Maybe they are at the end of the queue. 🙂

They can only review it when Yamaha send one to them. Demo models tend to do the rounds between magazines.

If you are really interested keep an eye out for review in other publications.
Unfortunately I think you are more likely to see a review of a smartphone or tablet, or oneof the myriad of Bluetooth speakers than a hifi separates review........ :silenced: :shifty:
You're right, i still don't know how can they get away with that 'HI FI' in the title of their magazine, mostly all you can find there are useless bluetooth speakers, smartphones, tablets and tv's. 'What Hi Fi' my a..e
Admittedly content has changed over the years but then that's just WHFSAV keeping up with technology.

No point in bemoaning it, if you don't like it there are other publications out there. :wave:
there you go


any help with translation? they've gave it 100% !
I know it's impossible to review everything, but if it were me I'd want to review this simply because it's a very interesting product type, that not many people have done...
Based on a WHAT HI-FI review from 2010. many people bought Yamaha AS-500 amplifier, which is great by the way. I bought it also. After that I found a review of combo Yamaha AS-500 + CD S-300 in what hi-fi text magazine, where AS-500 got 5 star rating and CD-s300 got 4 star rating. Later there is review of CD S-700 which got only 3 star rating , despite being over 2 times expensive. I have been looking everywhere for the CD-N 500 tests, and I found only very good critics. Taking into account its sound quality and versatility (CD+internet radio+network player) and a affordable price, I am wondering if CD-N500 could be the 5 star rating CD player and best match for the wining AS-500 amplifier?
Edo said:
Based on a WHAT HI-FI review from 2010. many people bought Yamaha AS-500 amplifier, which is great by the way. I bought it also. After that I found a review of combo Yamaha AS-500 + CD S-300 in what hi-fi text magazine, where AS-500 got 5 star rating and CD-s300 got 4 star rating. Later there is review of CD S-700 which got only 3 star rating , despite being over 2 times expensive.

By the way, just so you know, What Hifi's ratings are based on price classes, so the CD S-700 would have been rated 4 stars compared to other CD players of a similar price. It does not mean that the CD S700 is worse than the CD S-300.


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