What to do next?

True Blue

New member
Oct 18, 2008
Was "thinking" of adding a Hi cap to my 202, then had the thought "thats the same price (almost) as a pair of Spendor A5's................

Is this before or after you have listened to it? Sounds like you are at that watershed moment of capital investment. If you have heard it then you "know" that you need to have it, if you haven't heard it, then you simply want it. Depends on whether you can afford to spend that much!
SteveR750:Is this before or after you have listened to it? Sounds like you are at that watershed moment of capital investment. If you have heard it then you "know" that you need to have it, if you haven't heard it, then you simply want it.

True Blue's local dealer (my local dealer too) stocks the Spendor A5 so there is a strong likelehood that TB has heard them there with comparable Naim gear.

I would recommend you now concentrate on the 'top & tail' of the system but start with your primary source which is now - I believe - vinyl. (The Saturn CD player should be fine.)

A Rega P5 would be the obvious upgrade to your P2 (with the Rega TT-PSU) and a better cartridge and better phono-stage. Rega Exact cartridge maybe? At least if you stay with Rega, you can continue to use your dedicated Rega wall-mount

In your listening room I have niggling doubts about Spendor A5s. If I recall correctly they will stand on top of a suspended floor with an 8" cavity underneath and the section of the room you listen in is quite small. I would recommend trying the Spendor SA1s first. If they have enough bass for you, the rest of the sound should be amazing on the end of your system.

Maybe a good 'halfway house' - in terms of bass - between floorstanders and compact stand-mounds could be the new EB Acoustics EB2 at only £667 giving you a big wedge of budget - left over from A5 money - for the TT upgrade. (They are sealed box/infinite baffle and can be used close to walls as can the SA1s.)
Have heard all I am considering.

Suppose the only way is to home dem.

The difference between the Hi Cap and the Spendors would be funded by my speaker sale and a few cables.
The Rega speakers are very good indeed for the money but I still think an upgrade there would be a good move. The A5s seem like an ideal starting point but you should look into Neat too.
igglebert:The Rega speakers are very good indeed for the money but I still think an upgrade there would be a good move. The A5s seem like an ideal starting point but you should look into Neat too.

Agreed - the Momentums sound absolutely lovely on the end of my SN, I reckon they would relish the 202/200. Take a lot of running in/tweaking with set-up to sound their best though, so ideally see if you can get a week of home demo on a fully run-in pair if you do try them.
I think the question I should be asking is?

Will I get the most out of my existing amp and sources by either a: upgrading the power suppy or b: upgrading the speakers.

Listening room is 3.6m by 2.9m, sit approx 1.8m away from speakers.

Floor is suspended wooden floor (well done Chebby) but the void is approx 3ft beneath. The room is an offshoot of the kitchen so only three sided.

Like the R3's, just wondering where best next to invest
In that case, and especially as your current speakers are working well in what seems to be quite a tricky space, perhaps the Hi-Cap upgrade is best?
how much better can it get with your r3s tb ? youve got some pretty good equipment driving them already , im guessing (cos i know nothing about hifi) , but id say your speakers are currently getting as good an input as they could ever need ? perhaps its time for better ones ? like the spendors ...
I heard the RS3's at dem with the HICAP and they sounded pretty damn gurd, not sure though if eeking the extra 1 or 2% out of them is worth they same outlay as getting a new set of better speakers, however, I am aware my listening room is not ideal and the R3's do suit it well. I suppose I could dem the HICAP / A5's and possibly some Neats, just have to go along and have a quick plead with Nick and the chaps in Portsmouth's Audio t.
True Blue:I heard the RS3's at dem with the HICAP and they sounded pretty damn gurd, not sure though if eeking the extra 1 or 2% out of them is worth they same outlay as getting a new set of better speakers, however, I am aware my listening room is not ideal and the R3's do suit it well. I suppose I could dem the HICAP / A5's and possibly some Neats, just have to go along and have a quick plead with Nick and the chaps in Portsmouth's Audio t.

TB, if they do Neats and they'll let you demo them at home, then you really need to try some. I've not heard your Regas, and of course the sound may not be to your taste, but for me the Neat sound really works beautifully with a Naim amp.
I think it all depends on how much you like the sound of your system now. If the Regas are keepers then go for the power supply. If you want new speakers as the limitations are obvious then go for new speakers.

I don't have any experience of your system so can't comment further, although I would hazard a guess that new speakers would give a better result.

If so, the audition Kudos too.


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