what panel is in a Hyundai Imagequest Q421H Plasma ?


New member
Aug 10, 2019
As per subject title, my screen broke last night, It still displays the picture but there is a series of red and green pixels showing like a snow effect (when image is moving) If I access the tv menus it looks like you get a colour run from the menu.

I have been reading up and it sounds like it could be 3 boards internally, but this seems to apply to lg panels. I know the lg panels are in some hyundai's but I cant find anything on this particular model (apart from it is no longer produced / available)

I am due to get a new screen in 2 months anyway but I want to repair this one if possible (repair kit for the lg panels is about £87 for the necessary boards)

Anyone know?

The Hyundai Imagequest Q421H is indeed a plasma screen.
The symptoms you describe could be a component breakdown, but also an indication that the contacts from the driver display board to the screen may simply be loose.
I don't wish to sound condesending here, but operational voltages inside any plasma screens are particularly lethal, so I would really advise you took the set to a specialist unless you're 110% sure of what your doing!
Hi, took the back off it and it is samsung internals. It looks like it is the upper and lower y buffer thats gone (these are the 2 circuits that connect to the actualy screen), the boards are discoloured in certain areas so it probably means the main board is goosed as well.

It appears that these components were subject to a recall in the samsung badged products, however when used in different manufacturers equipment no recall was issued, Unfortunately the parts arent cheap for this, nothing on ebay (apart from the usa) and in the UK I have only found 1 supplier but it is approx £150 per board so no really cost effective to repair 🙁

I have found a place that specialize in reworking circuit boards for tvs and that is only £50 per board so that may be an option


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