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Active member
May 6, 2023
So I'm looking to change my setup and am really unsure as to which direction to go in. I currently have marantz 6003 amp & cd player connected to b&w 601 s2 speakers. The 6003's replaced the original 6000 series amp & cd and I did notice a decent improvement so one part of me is thinking just replace with the current 6007 or find some 6006 second hand. But people have always said to me marantz is a but too relaxed and smooth for my musical taste which is predominantly bands like foo fighters, tool, nothing but thieves and while I love the detail and openness of my setup I think it could be better in punch and weight. This then brings me to think maybe it's the speakers I should change, have had them since new for over 20 years but most bookshelves I see recommended are a fair bit smaller than mine which makes me think I could be going backwards in some ways.

Am wondering if anyone has any experience with different options or your opinions on what could be my best next step?

Thanks for any thoughts
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So I'm looking to change my setup and am really unsure as to which direction to go in. I currently have marantz 6003 amp & cd player connected to b&w 601 s2 speakers. The 6003's replaced the original 6000 series amp & cd and I did notice a decent improvement so one part of me is thinking just replace with the current 6007 or find some 6006 second hand. But people have always said to me marantz is a but too relaxed and smooth for my musical taste which is predominantly bands like foo fighters, tool, nothing but thieves and while I love the detail and openness of my setup I think it could be better in punch and weight. This then brings me to think maybe it's the speakers I should change, have had them since new for over 20 years but most bookshelves I see recommended are a fair bit smaller than mine which makes me think I could be going backwards in some ways.

Am wondering if anyone has any experience with different options or your opinions on what could be my best next step?

Thanks for any thoughts

Firstly, these Marantzses are smoother than some other brands but your B&Ws are lively enough to open up the Marantz soundstage.

This brings me on to the next subject: where do you think your system is lacking in terms of sound quality?

*EDIT* the limiting factor is the amp being only 45 or 50 watts per channel. Any replacement speaker will need to be high efficiency (8 ohms and minimum 87 dbs).

Do you have your speakers on dedicated stands or are they on shelves?

What is your max budget?
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Hi thank you for your reply, my budget could stretch to around £500. As for the sound I think it's the midrange that I feel could be improved, it's great for vocals but with guitars it often feels like it lacks the aggression that somne of my music should have
Hi thank you for your reply, my budget could stretch to around £500. As for the sound I think it's the midrange that I feel could be improved, it's great for vocals but with guitars it often feels like it lacks the aggression that somne of my music should have
Bear in mind no hi-fi is perfect, regardless of cost. What you need is the ideal compromise. What it gives (vocals in your case) it takes away from other areas (a little more attack).

Given your budget I'm thinking of a used Roksan Kandy L3 or, if you can source one, the K2 variant. Or a safer bet is Rotel amps work well with B&W speakers.

IME, you don't want to go too bright in presentation as that will take the talents of your 6003.

It really is a stick or twist situation. Above all else synergy is king, how the Roksans sound with B&Ws, I've no idea
So I'm looking to change my setup and am really unsure as to which direction to go in. I currently have marantz 6003 amp & cd player connected to b&w 601 s2 speakers. The 6003's replaced the original 6000 series amp & cd and I did notice a decent improvement so one part of me is thinking just replace with the current 6007 or find some 6006 second hand. But people have always said to me marantz is a but too relaxed and smooth for my musical taste which is predominantly bands like foo fighters, tool, nothing but thieves and while I love the detail and openness of my setup I think it could be better in punch and weight. This then brings me to think maybe it's the speakers I should change, have had them since new for over 20 years but most bookshelves I see recommended are a fair bit smaller than mine which makes me think I could be going backwards in some ways.

Am wondering if anyone has any experience with different options or your opinions on what could be my best next step?

Thanks for any thoughts
Hi Jay i recently changed my 15 year old KEFS that were connected too a pm6005 still have and love the Amp.
I realised i wasnt enoying the music has much has i used too ? but could not work out what it was and left it for good few 6 months, anyway long story short change the speakers first !
Then look at the rest of your setup.

The speakers willl make a big diffrence too your punch and weight mine did it was shocking ! Tech has moved a big way in speakers.
Marantz is a very good brand from my experience and flexable with tone controls and very reliable.

Good luck .
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try some klipsch RP600/500's at dealers and go from there. They have a much wider and more open sound stage and with a 50watt amp on tap they'll have that energetic presentation and then some, ie edge of your seat listen. They are very sensitive speakers.

If you want to fire up the speakers you have now try and listen to some NAD/yamaha designs I've always found them very propulsive and energetic.

Be warned though this type of sound can tread's a fine line and will need carful system matching to get right as it can get to much very quickly.
But its the sound i love
Try to audition the Rotel A11 Tribute with your B&Ws. It's a lively and engaging amp, with a really good balance across the frequency range. It's not better than the Marantz, just different.
Having once had a premium marantz amp I sort of know what you mean about it being too smooth with rock/metal. But, on the end of focal chorus 826v speakers it was a different story. I’d suggest a demo of some focal speakers and see what you think.
Thanks for all the replies, some things to think about, and I know I need to audition some but was clueless as to what to try and now have some ideas.
If I was to get an amp that was maybe a step up would my b&w's get the most out of them? Or if I was going down the speaker route would the 606 s2 anniversary be worth a look, or would that be too similar
If I was to get an amp that was maybe a step up would my b&w's get the most out of them? Or if I was going down the speaker route would the 606 s2 anniversary be worth a look, or would that be too similar
A better amp will certainly improve the sound, although you will never hear the amps true potential without better speakers.

Worthwhile exploring other speakers as long as they are efficient (not hard to drive). To that end look at better B&Ws and Focals.....
I think your current B&Ws have more to give than your current Marantz can maximise, so I'd go with an amp change first with the hope that you can save for the speaker upgrade reasonably quickly.

If there's a limit to how far you want to go financially, you may find it useful to audition Dali Oberon 3s with your current Marantz, simply because their balance will suit the amplifier and get more life out of it.
Thanks again for the replies, and interesting to hear you think my b&w's aren't necessarily the weak link, I assumed they might be due to their age and low price point when new. In that thinking is it worth me looking at a 7000 or 8000 series marantz amp, would have to go second hand so wouldn't be able to audition but could this keep the bits I like about my system and add some extra drive to the sound?
Thanks again for the replies, and interesting to hear you think my b&w's aren't necessarily the weak link, I assumed they might be due to their age and low price point when new. In that thinking is it worth me looking at a 7000 or 8000 series marantz amp, would have to go second hand so wouldn't be able to audition but could this keep the bits I like about my system and add some extra drive to the sound?
When released in 1999 (i think ?) the B&W 601 S2 were £200 and on demonstration at my then local hifi dealer.

They were being demonstrated with the Musical Fidelity X-Ray CD player plus the matching X Pre / Power amps each with a RRP of £800...So £2400 of electronics feeding £200 loudspeakers.

Yes loudspeakers have limits, but, ultimately they can only be as good as the quality of the signal that is sent to them hence the rubbish in / rubbish out statement.
When released in 1999 (i think ?) the B&W 601 S2 were £200 and on demonstration at my then local hifi dealer.

They were being demonstrated with the Musical Fidelity X-Ray CD player plus the matching X Pre / Power amps each with a RRP of £800...So £2400 of electronics feeding £200 loudspeakers.

Yes loudspeakers have limits, but, ultimately they can only be as good as the quality of the signal that is sent to them hence the rubbish in / rubbish out statement.
I seem to remember something similar at my then Audio-T store, although can't remember if they were the 601 or 602. However, they were being powered by a Arcam FMJ amp, I believe the A32.
Just to add my two penn'orth, I too am a great Foo Fighters, Nothing But Thieves (best band ever), Audioslave etc fan and have just upgraded my system to a Marantz PM7000n with some Dali Oberon 5 speakers. I do sometimes feel that with the above music that it lacks a certain sense of urgency with my setup. Not exactly laid back but maybe needs a little more 'in your face' punch and slap. Not much, but maybe a tad.
However, since my musical tastes are very broad - everything from early Blues, Lez Zep, 80's indy, Triphop, 90's rave, 2000's Hardhouse and virtually everything inbetween, I must say that I love the sound of my system. It took a little while to get used to as I came from a mid 90's Rotel and Tannoy setup which was excellent in its own right. It was perhaps a little more 'shouty' than what I have now but I feel that if my system was that bit punchier to suit Nothing But Thieves etc then it might be that the rest of what I listen to becomes a bit tiring on the ears?

I did audition my setup against Whafdale 12.3's and Monitor Audio Bronze 200's and Dali Oberon 3's with the Marantz PM7000n against the Cambridge Audio CXA61. I settled on the Marantz Amp then tried both the MA Bronze 200's and the Dali Oberon 5's (current) at home in my listening environment and the Oberon 5's had much more heft and depth and detail than the MA 200's. I rejected the MA 200's on the basis that the Foo Fighters sounded very muddy/muddled especially in busy guitar riffs etc.

Hope this helps and doesn't cloud your ideas any more.

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