what next please?


New member
Aug 10, 2019
i have an onkyo 605. And play music through my sony upscale dvd player. I am pretty happy with the picture. I have a Tannoy Mercury speaker package. I have a budget of about £500 to improve my music playback. Is it worth getting a proper cd player first? maybe a marantz 6002 ? and new speakers? or am i better getting a stereo amp? - if i do that can i connect it to my onkyo?


is a marantz cd player a good idea? I like the sound of simple guitar and vokal. that would be nearly half my money. So what would i think about next?


checkout the rega cd player not sure if that was 5 or 600 though just won group supertest


Well-known member
Dec 28, 2007
Rega Apollo's RRP is £600 (assume this is the one you're talking about?). May find it cheaper though. There are literally dozens of CD players around the Marantz 6002 budget though. Don't get me wrong, it's a great player, but I can't say get it, it's exactly what you need as I don't have your ears! Seriously, try and pick up the WHF Ultimate Guide to Hi-Fi (was available in WH Smith when I was last in on Tuesday and only costs £4.99). It's got literally loads of options in there - best bet then is, find a few dealers near you and phone them, find out which ones they have in stock and go take a listen (taking some of your favourite music CDs with you). Only you can decide which is the best player for your ears (as this forum has shown time and time again from people saying they're not happy with a combination of 5 star rated components system they've just bought but didn't listen to).

I'm pretty sure the guide will help you decide where's best to spend your money once you've found your ideal CD player as well!


right i have binned the onkyo - it wont connect to another amp. i have bought a marantz pm6002 and a pioneer pd6 as it sounded better than the marantz. i borrowed some money (oh deer) and have also a marantz sr6001 for my av it all sounds far better now

the onkyo was ok. but now i have a proper av AND a proper stero system, and are much better.


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