John, I downloaded Shazam on my iPhone. Pointed it at the speaker and pressed tag but it does not recognise it. It may come in useful one day though. (Just tried it on another Jonathan Meades program where it correctly identified 'Summer's here' by Magnus despite JM talking over it.)
Well, JJ and I are both red-faced and baffled. Most annoying thing is, I know what it is, but just can't think of it, and now it's going round and round in my head...!
Andrew Everard:Well, JJ and I are both red-faced and baffled. Most annoying thing is, I know what it is, but just can't think of it, and now it's going round and round in my head...!
My goodness, I feel humbled to have such classical music 'big guns' racking their brains for my query. Sorry to stump you like this.
I am going to go through bits of my classical collection now and see if I already have it buried away somewhere. (It is vaguely familiar, maybe from some other TV programme/series.)
I am going to start with 'The World of English String Music' (Decca).
Yes, that's the one, but although JJ is definitely a classical music big gun, I have to admit I am but an enthusiastic amateur (in the strictest sense of the word)
chebby: Andrew Everard:Well, JJ and I are both red-faced and baffled. Most annoying thing is, I know what it is, but just can't think of it, and now it's going round and round in my head...!
My goodness, I feel humbled to have such classical music 'big guns' racking their brains for my query. Sorry to stump you like this.
I am going to go through bits of my classical collection now and see if I already have it buried away somewhere. (It is vaguely familiar, maybe from some other TV programme/series.)
I am going to start with 'The World of English String Music' (Decca).
Wish me luck.
I think that James Jolly thought I was a bit of a tw-t in a recent meeting when I was struggling to think of a composer - any composer - to use as an example in a point I was trying to make. I think I said "Er.......Dostoyevsky".
I'd kick his -rse in a Classic Rock Pub Quiz though, obv.
The music I need to identify starts at 00:27 seconds into this programme.
I love it and want to try and get a CD containing exactly that piece.
Sorry, Chebs for jumping in on your thread, I would like to ask a question relating to an album and music. When I came into 'The Towers' for the Big question, Ketan played a track from, I believe, a Batman album. Can someone tell me the name of the track and what album, please?
Naxos:It's the 4th section "Romance" from Britten's Variations on a Theme of Frank Bridge. Now just don't ask which recording...
Thanks (I should have guessed with a name like 'Naxos' you would know these things!)
I have downloaded Britten's Variations on a Theme of Frank Bridge (a performance conducted by Britten himself) including that section. I will do some research in the bookshop tomorrow and see which performance is thought to be best before I get the CD.
My local bookshop gets enough trade out of me most weeks (£48 this Monday alone) for me to look something up in a Penguin (or Gramophone) guide over a coffee for free. If the bookshop's owners just up the road (HMV own Waterstones) have the CD then they will get a sale as well.