What does your set-up say about you?

When you consider I own the Leema Pulse, PMC TB2i speakers, Electrocompaniet PC-1 (soon to be sold), this says I'm an individual and don't run with the pack i.e I don't generally go with the latest trends or fads or award winners.

None of the current regulars own the Pulse or the TB2 or this model of the Electro.

Sound wise, it also says I'm lively with a deep respect for whatever is put in front of me. And, if anything, a touch quirky.

Over to you guys.
plastic penguin said:
When you consider I own the Leema Pulse, PMC TB2i speakers, Electrocompaniet PC-1 (soon to be sold), this says I'm an individual and don't run with the pack i.e I don't generally go with the latest trends or fads or award winners.

None of the current regulars own the Pulse or the TB2 or this model of the Electro.

Sound wise, it also says I'm lively with a deep respect for whatever is put in front of me. And, if anything, a touch quirky.

Over to you guys.
My setup says nothing about me. It will broadcast from various sources but to my knowledge it has never said anything about me nor my family, friends nor other listeners.
The Apple 'front-end' (AirPort Extreme, AirPort Express, ATV3, Mac Mini, iPhone 6, iPad Mini 3 and AirPlay) would suggest i'm a slavering Apple 'fanboy' with not a shred of individuality, programmed to obey every new fad dreamt up in Cupertino.

My excellent, but also Chinese built, Quad Vena amplifier/DAC would suggest i've sold-out politically and ethically but still want to enjoy the illusion of buying into a British 'Legacy' brand that is - vaguely - styled similarly to their 1950s pre amps and tuners.

My Audio Note AX-Two loudspeakers are hand-built in Denmark with design principles/drivers/dimensions straight out of the 1970s/80s and plastic/'wood effect' veneer to match. They look like they cost £99, but they actually cost £750 and are worth every single penny of that! They are amazing and I am gagging to own their AN-K louspeakers one day.

You tell me.
chebby said:
The Apple 'front-end' (AirPort Extreme, AirPort Express, ATV3, Mac Mini, iPhone 6, iPad Mini 3 and AirPlay) would suggest i'm a slavering Apple 'fanboy' with not a shred of individuality, programmed to obey every new fad dreamt up in Cupertino.

My excellent, but also Chinese built, Quad Vena amplifier/DAC would suggest i've sold-out politically and ethically but still want to enjoy the illusion of buying into a British 'Legacy' brand that is - vaguely - styled similarly to their 1950s pre amps and tuners.

My Audio Note AX-Two loudspeakers are hand-built in Denmark with design principles/drivers/dimensions straight out of the 1970s/80s and plastic/'wood effect' veneer to match. They look like they cost £99, but they actually cost £750 and are worth every single penny of that! They are amazing and I am gagging to own their AN-K louspeakers one day.

You tell me.

Possibly that you interest in hifi equipment is esoteric and global, and not "single brand silo".
I think most 'serious' systems say their owner is a Billy No-Mates who really doesn't get out as much as they should. ;-)
gel said:
plastic penguin said:
When you consider I own the Leema Pulse, PMC TB2i speakers, Electrocompaniet PC-1 (soon to be sold), this says I'm an individual and don't run with the pack i.e I don't generally go with the latest trends or fads or award winners.

None of the current regulars own the Pulse or the TB2 or this model of the Electro.

Sound wise, it also says I'm lively with a deep respect for whatever is put in front of me. And, if anything, a touch quirky.

Over to you guys.
I suppose stylish too. I like my home cinema bits to look nice and be a style statement too.
I don't buy into the idea that 2 channel is far superior than av when it comes to playing music.(if well designed).

Also got Boston acoustic speakers, which i can say is not very common here. Also got a blu-ray player for my music.

Currently having hand made speakers built in oak finish & also HIFI rack in oak delivered tomorrow. So am looking at excellent music all in oak. Anyone know of any brilliant amps finished in oak? I know Nord amps have different veneer finishes. Would be nice if other suggestions are made.

Fair to say I like looks & sound. *biggrin* . But does it really say a lot about me changing my set up?
My system consists of 2 beolab active speakers and 1 dac + pre that handles both music and moviesound.
What is says is I like simplicity in execution.

I chose B&O is because it gives good performance and looks quite nice. Looked at studio monitors first but found the best balance of sound quality and looks in B&O.

All the other things like tv I would only upgrade if it would be both in performance and looks.
My setup says that I don't have a lot of spare cash so what money I do have I try to spend wisely by buying used items of proven quality that I expect to last a long time
plastic penguin said:
When you consider I own the Leema Pulse, PMC TB2i speakers, Electrocompaniet PC-1 (soon to be sold), this says I'm an individual and don't run with the pack i.e I don't generally go with the latest trends or fads or award winners.

None of the current regulars own the Pulse or the TB2 or this model of the Electro.

Sound wise, it also says I'm lively with a deep respect for whatever is put in front of me. And, if anything, a touch quirky.

Over to you guys.

I'm so unworthy.
spiny norman said:
I think most 'serious' systems say their owner is a Billy No-Mates who really doesn't get out as much as they should. ;-)

Snigger! Or they are so well off they don't give a sh£t
But probably that I'm a cheapskate who doesn't believe "you get what you pay for" and that I change my speakers too often
CnoEvil said:
It says that I used to have disposable income!

Mine says that I spend far more money on Hifi equipment than I should (what you see in my sig is the only expensive stuff that I own).

It also says that I'm more concerned about the performance than I am about how it looks.
Mine got the looks and the sound and finally find what I was looking for ..... So bake beans all round then ! *man_in_love* it's nice when you get things right but bloody frustrating when you buy an airport express *dash1*
It says nothing beyond the fact that this is one thing I like to spend disposable income on.

Whether others jump to conclusions about me based on the products I own is their problem.


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