Western Digital 500Gb My Passport USB3.0 Portable Hard Drive £30 @ ASDA - BLACK ONLY


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Dec 13, 2010
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Evening All,

Not sure how long this price will last for but hell, get em while you can!!

Note - the £30 price only applies to the black drives, the red ones are still full price. Also this appears to be in store only, I had a good look at the website and couldnt find any sign of them.

Finally, if you can't see them on display ASK! My local ASDA has had stock of them for months but they are not on display for some reason.


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Apr 10, 2008
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Had a look after work but couldn't see any, or any other hardrives for that matter. I take it they are in the dvd/games section of the shop and not in the actuall store itself? Will have to go in the daytime as hardly any staff there around 11pm ish.


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Dec 13, 2010
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As it happens I work for ASDA on the Home & Leisure/Music & Video department in my local store.

We have had a small stock of these drives for several months but for reasons known only to those in head office we never received instructions to put them on display so they have sat in our secure backup for some time.

I only became aware of the price drop - only on the black ones dont forget, I checked the Blue, Silver & Red ones this evening and they are £62.50 - when a customer approached me a few nights ago to ask if we had any.

On further investigation today it looks as though this product is now a deleted line and is unlikely to be restocked again in the near future so I would not expect them to be on display in many if any stores as this price has yet to be communicated.

So next time you go into your local store, head over to the music and video desk and ask them if they have any. If they havent ask them to ring around any neighbouring stores.

Good Luck 8)


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Apr 10, 2008
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No luck in my local ASDA as they don't stock any hardrives. The manager said only the technology center stores would stock them and there are none of these anywhere near me. Nevermind will keep an eye out for any bargains online.