Watts and Ohms question!


New member
Aug 10, 2019
I'm running my Denon with Mission 760i's and I also have a pair of 751's. Both speakers are 6 Ohms but the 760's recommend 25 watts min, the 751's 35 watts. The Denon I believe is rated at 30w per channel. Will using the 751's do any harm to my Denon?
No, though you may damage the speakers if you try to drive them to very high levels, and thus push the Denon into clipping distortion.
Totally agree. Avoid party-levels of sound and you'll be fine.

The second you hear it starting to sound harsh, turn it down a notch or two - once the amplifier in the Denon (or any amp for that matter) starts clipping (ClickyClicky), the speaker coil can be damaged by the signal, which goes from AC to DC, overheating it.

Hence why a high-powered amp will generally do less damage to a small speaker than an underpowered one.


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